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Android: Second time camera not working displaying black screen.
@illuspas @matinzd @Andriiklymiuk @lethienhung
Hey guys, I am facing issue in android. When i start streaming first time camera working fine. but when i start again after 2 or 3 minute its showing me a black screen. its not freez or not crash.
Help me on that I am block here!
Thank you.
i am also facing same issue on android.
@pradeeptry you have any solutions?
@Pakile Try to navigate on the recording screen by push method via react navigation. Do not use navigate. The screen should be properly unmounted when we go back. Hope it will help..
@pradeeptry "The screen should be properly unmounted when we go back." I've componentWillUnmount() { this.vp.stop(); }
for stop camera but when use rear camera, -> go back -> start live -> black screen, I use push method via react navigation but still a black screen
I check Logcat log E/Camera: Error 2