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Decoder/encoder for all RTCM 3 message types up to RTCM 3.3 Amendment 1 (c10403.3).

RTCM 3 Decoder/Encoder

Decoder/encoder for all RTCM 3 message types up to RTCM 3.3 Amendment 1 (c10403.3).


npm install -S @gnss/rtcm

Basic Usage


let buffer: Buffer = ...; // Raw bytes of message to be decoded
let message: RtcmMessage; // Decoded message
let length: number; // Length of decoded message in bytes
[message, length] = RtcmTransport.decode(buffer);
// ...
buffer = buffer.slice(length); // Move to next message


let message = ...; // Message to be encoded
let buffer: Buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(RtcmTransport.MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
let length: number; // Length of encoded message in bytes
length = RtcmTransport.encode(message, buffer);
// ...
buffer = buffer.slice(0, length); // Encoded message


Messages can be manually constructed using RtcmMessage???.construct({}), which requires all message properties to be provided.

    nonPhysicalReferenceStationId: 1,
    physicalReferenceStationId: 0,
    itrfEpochYear: 0,
    arpEcefX: 37927650000,
    arpEcefY: -4160650000,
    arpEcefZ: 50938770000


Transform streams to convert from RtcmMessages to raw bytes and vice-versa.

let input: stream.Readable = ...;
let output: stream.Writable = ...;
input                                      // Stream of raw data
    .pipe(new RtcmDecodeTransformStream()) // Stream of RtcmMessage objects
    .pipe(new RtcmEncodeTransformStream()) // Stream of (identical) raw data

RtcmDecodeTransformStream can optionally synchronize with the raw data stream e.g. if it starts receiving data from the middle of a message.

Messages Supported

  • MT1001 (RtcmMessageGpsL1Observables)
  • MT1002 (RtcmMessageGpsL1ObservablesExtended)
  • MT1003 (RtcmMessageGpsL1L2Observables)
  • MT1004 (RtcmMessageGpsL1L2ObservablesExtended)
  • MT1005 (RtcmMessageStationaryArp)
  • MT1006 (RtcmMessageStationaryArpHeight)
  • MT1007 (RtcmMessageAntennaDescriptor)
  • MT1008 (RtcmMessageAntennaDescriptorSerial)
  • MT1009 (RtcmMessageGlonassL1Observables)
  • MT1010 (RtcmMessageGlonassL1ObservablesExtended)
  • MT1011 (RtcmMessageGlonassL1L2Observables)
  • MT1012 (RtcmMessageGlonassL1L2ObservablesExtended)
  • MT1013 (RtcmMessageAuxiliaryOperationInformation)
  • MT1014 (RtcmMessageNetworkAuxiliaryStationData)
  • MT1015 (RtcmMessageGpsIonosphericCorrectionDifferences)
  • MT1016 (RtcmMessageGpsGeometricCorrectionDifferences)
  • MT1017 (RtcmMessageGpsCombinedCorrectionDifferences)
  • MT1019 (RtcmMessageGpsSatelliteEphemeris)
  • MT1020 (RtcmMessageGlonassSatelliteEphemerisData)
  • MT1021 (RtcmMessageHelmertAbridgedMolodenskiTransformationParameters)
  • MT1022 (RtcmMessageMolodenskiBadekasTransformationParameters)
  • MT1023 (RtcmMessageResidualsEllipsoidalGridRepresentation)
  • MT1024 (RtcmMessageResidualsPlaneGridRepresentation)
  • MT1025 (RtcmMessageProjectionParametersExceptLcc2spOm)
  • MT1026 (RtcmMessageProjectionParametersLcc2sp)
  • MT1027 (RtcmMessageProjectionParametersOm)
  • MT1029 (RtcmMessageUnicodeTextString)
  • MT1030 (RtcmMessageGpsNetworkRtkResidual)
  • MT1031 (RtcmMessageGlonassNetworkRtkResidual)
  • MT1032 (RtcmMessagePhysicalReferenceStationPosition)
  • MT1033 (RtcmMessageReceiverAntennaDescriptor)
  • MT1034 (RtcmMessageGpsNetworkFkpGradient)
  • MT1035 (RtcmMessageGlonassNetworkFkpGradient)
  • MT1037 (RtcmMessageGlonassIonosphericCorrectionDifferences)
  • MT1038 (RtcmMessageGlonassGeometricCorrectionDifferences)
  • MT1039 (RtcmMessageGlonassCombinedCorrectionDifferences)
  • MT1041 (RtcmMessageIrnssSatelliteEphemerisData)
  • MT1042 (RtcmMessageBdsSatelliteEphemerisData)
  • MT1044 (RtcmMessageQzssSatelliteEphemerisData)
  • MT1045 (RtcmMessageGalileoFNavSatelliteEphemerisData)
  • MT1046 (RtcmMessageGalileoINavSatelliteEphemerisData)
  • MT1057 (RtcmMessageSsrGpsOrbitCorrection)
  • MT1058 (RtcmMessageSsrGpsClockCorrection)
  • MT1059 (RtcmMessageSsrGpsCodeBias)
  • MT1060 (RtcmMessageSsrGpsCombinedCorrection)
  • MT1061 (RtcmMessageSsrGpsUra)
  • MT1062 (RtcmMessageSsrGpsHighRateClockCorrection)
  • MT1063 (RtcmMessageSsrGlonassOrbitCorrection)
  • MT1064 (RtcmMessageSsrGlonassClockCorrection)
  • MT1065 (RtcmMessageSsrGlonassCodeBias)
  • MT1066 (RtcmMessageSsrGlonassCombinedCorrection)
  • MT1067 (RtcmMessageSsrGlonassUra)
  • MT1068 (RtcmMessageSsrGlonassHighRateClockCorrection)
  • MT1071 (RtcmMessageMsm1Gps)
  • MT1072 (RtcmMessageMsm2Gps)
  • MT1073 (RtcmMessageMsm3Gps)
  • MT1074 (RtcmMessageMsm4Gps)
  • MT1075 (RtcmMessageMsm5Gps)
  • MT1076 (RtcmMessageMsm6Gps)
  • MT1077 (RtcmMessageMsm7Gps)
  • MT1081 (RtcmMessageMsm1Glonass)
  • MT1082 (RtcmMessageMsm2Glonass)
  • MT1083 (RtcmMessageMsm3Glonass)
  • MT1084 (RtcmMessageMsm4Glonass)
  • MT1085 (RtcmMessageMsm5Glonass)
  • MT1086 (RtcmMessageMsm6Glonass)
  • MT1087 (RtcmMessageMsm7Glonass)
  • MT1091 (RtcmMessageMsm1Galileo)
  • MT1092 (RtcmMessageMsm2Galileo)
  • MT1093 (RtcmMessageMsm3Galileo)
  • MT1094 (RtcmMessageMsm4Galileo)
  • MT1095 (RtcmMessageMsm5Galileo)
  • MT1096 (RtcmMessageMsm6Galileo)
  • MT1097 (RtcmMessageMsm7Galileo)
  • MT1101 (RtcmMessageMsm1Sbas)
  • MT1102 (RtcmMessageMsm2Sbas)
  • MT1103 (RtcmMessageMsm3Sbas)
  • MT1104 (RtcmMessageMsm4Sbas)
  • MT1105 (RtcmMessageMsm5Sbas)
  • MT1106 (RtcmMessageMsm6Sbas)
  • MT1107 (RtcmMessageMsm7Sbas)
  • MT1111 (RtcmMessageMsm1Qzss)
  • MT1112 (RtcmMessageMsm2Qzss)
  • MT1113 (RtcmMessageMsm3Qzss)
  • MT1114 (RtcmMessageMsm4Qzss)
  • MT1115 (RtcmMessageMsm5Qzss)
  • MT1116 (RtcmMessageMsm6Qzss)
  • MT1117 (RtcmMessageMsm7Qzss)
  • MT1121 (RtcmMessageMsm1Bds)
  • MT1122 (RtcmMessageMsm2Bds)
  • MT1123 (RtcmMessageMsm3Bds)
  • MT1124 (RtcmMessageMsm4Bds)
  • MT1125 (RtcmMessageMsm5Bds)
  • MT1126 (RtcmMessageMsm6Bds)
  • MT1127 (RtcmMessageMsm7Bds)
  • MT1131 (RtcmMessageMsm1Irnss)
  • MT1132 (RtcmMessageMsm2Irnss)
  • MT1133 (RtcmMessageMsm3Irnss)
  • MT1134 (RtcmMessageMsm4Irnss)
  • MT1135 (RtcmMessageMsm5Irnss)
  • MT1136 (RtcmMessageMsm6Irnss)
  • MT1137 (RtcmMessageMsm7Irnss)
  • MT1230 (RtcmMessageGlonassL1L2CodePhaseBiases)


npm test




Contributions of new message types, bug fixes and general improvements via pull requests are welcome. Please ensure that code style matches that of the existing files.