Jakub Pryc
Jakub Pryc
- Unifex C functions lack documentation - There is no description of state behavior, like `state_type` and the need to implement `handle_destroy_state` callback - I believe the native type for...
The plugin hasn't been touched in a long while, we should: - rename the plugins to not have the `Element` part - use autodemands - add support for VP8 and...
ElixirLS raises the following in mix.exs file ``` an exception was raised: ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Keyword.keys/1 (elixir 1.16.3) lib/keyword.ex:643: Keyword.keys(nil) (bundlex 1.5.1) lib/bundlex/project.ex:196: Bundlex.Project.load/1 (bundlex 1.5.1)...
e.g. https://github.com/membraneframework/membrane_vpx_plugin/actions/runs/9578324751
Membrane.RTSP.Source.ConnectionManager is currently a GenServer, but it's not necessary to have it as a separate process, since we got rid of retrying logic. This will simplify the codebase quite a...
Create a plugin allowing for decoding and encoding VP8 and VP9 video
Right now it bases on slowing down the stream with Realtimer and it's not ideal
Currently it's not possible to use `Membrane.MP4.Muxer.ISOM` with sinks that don't support `Membrane.File.SeekSinkEvent`. Adding a way to generate Fragmented MP4 streams that don't require seeking would allow more sinks to...