q2a-poll icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
q2a-poll copied to clipboard

Adds polls to Question2Answer

=========================== Question2Answer Poll 1.0b


This is a plugin for Question2Answer that provides poll functionality.


  • allows creating questions as polls, which removes ability for others to answer, comment on, or vote down them (vote up only).
  • adds qa-main-poll wrapper to qa-main for custom poll css
  • admin and mods can still answer, comment on, and edit polls
  • choose between multi-voting or single-voting poll on ask form
  • jQuery answer adding via ask form
  • answer updates when voted on (optional)
  • add a Polls page (optional)
  • adds text to poll question titles
  • all text fully customizable via language files
  • all css fully customizable
  • Buddypress integration if Buddypress plugin_ is enabled

.. _Buddypress plugin: https://github.com/NoahY/q2a-buddypress


#. Install Question2Answer_ #. Get the source code for this plugin from github_, either using git_, or downloading directly:

  • To download using git, install git and then type git clone git://github.com/NoahY/q2a-poll.git poll at the command prompt (on Linux, Windows is a bit different)
  • To download directly, go to the project page_ and click Download

#. navigate to your site, go to Admin -> Plugins on your q2a install and select the 'Enable polls' option, then 'Save'.

.. _Question2Answer: http://www.question2answer.org/install.php .. _git: http://git-scm.com/ .. _github: .. _project page: https://github.com/NoahY/q2a-poll


This is beta code. It is probably okay for production environments, but may not work exactly as expected. Refunds will not be given. If it breaks, you get to keep both parts.


All code herein is Copylefted_.

.. _Copylefted: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyleft

About q2A

Question2Answer is a free and open source platform for Q&A sites. For more information, visit:
