q2a-embed copied to clipboard
Allows embedding YouTube videos in Question2Answer
plugin won't work without these changes.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) /images/loadingAnimation.gif on thickbox.js
When q2a is accessed over https, embeds with http are not displayed -- as a result of Mixed content (http://www.w3.org/TR/mixed-content/) blocking which is on by default in Firefox since some...
Twitter Embed Please However it happened in the following article. Not literally :( http://www.sorularimvar.net/505/hizli-ve-ofkeli-8-cikis-tarihi-vizyon-gosterim-tarihi
Can't get this to embed on vimeo.
QA v1.7
@NoahY: Feature added to embed PDFs. Details: - Get blob-URLs from the post, - check their filetype, - if pdf, append them in the end of the post as PDF-embed....
Soundcloud.com is getting more popular, they provide a nice embed widget. I did the embed by js, but probably for some users it is more suitable to have the embed...
`'(https*:\/\/maps.google.com\/?[^< ]+)',` will not parse links from other google maps domains, such as google.de or google.co.uk or ... Suggestion, use `'(https*:\/\/maps.google.\/?[^< ]+)',`