RxFeedback.swift copied to clipboard
[Xcode 15 RC1 Bag] Names conflict
this fix must be her too
Any update on this issue?. I am facing this issue in Xcode 15. Currently I am using 'RxFeedback', '4.0.0'. Could you please provide updated pod version!.
Any update on this issue?. I am facing this issue in Xcode 15. Currently I am using 'RxFeedback', '4.0.0'. Could you please provide updated pod version!.
~Would also greatly appreciate an update for this issue! 🙏 I've also made a PR addressing this issue, if some maintainer could take a 👀 please?~ Seems that Xcode 15.1 fixed this issue, I can normally build my project now, without making any changes.
Any update on this issue?. Still I am facing this issue in Xcode 15. Currently I am using pod version 'RxFeedback', '4.0.0'. Could you please provide updated pod version!. Please find the attached screenshot.
same issue
private func bindingsStrongify<Event, O, WeakOwner>(_ owner: WeakOwner, _ bindings: https://github.com/escaping (WeakOwner, O) -> (Bindings)) -> (O) -> (Bindings) where WeakOwner: AnyObject { return { [weak owner] state -> Bindings in guard let strongOwner = owner else {
return Bindings(subscriptions: [], events: [Observable<Event>]())
return bindings(strongOwner, state)
//Add this to Fix it public typealias Observable = RxSwift.Observable