Similar to FastOn() and preon, this would allow for retraction with in.wav, but no postoff sound. I tried a cheap fix of adding a case to SB_Off in hybrid_font called...
Is it possible to disable auto-mount on connection and just have a serial monitor command to mount the SD card on demand if USB + Mass Storage is programmed? Maybe...
Just adding this issue as a reminder that for some reason, there are more Audio Underflows and blade performance hits when all the wavs are in one folder together as...
Hi. Definitely a sync issue as of 12/30/20 on a brand new Oculus quest 2. Notes hit target timing before the song's beat. Unfortunately, this makes having music practically pointless...
Not sure though if the whole style can be wrapped, or if it's meant to be used on a color by color basis.
Needs fixes for dedicated power and reload buttons, esp if dual_prop used. Guidance?
Looping stacked frame BMP displays fine, no error. Single frame BMP displays fine, but 'Unknown image format. a=-1 b=-1' Non-looped PBM also works but 'Unknown image format. a=-1 b=-1' Seems...
As per your request, here's a TODO item. Errors differ with levels of the Optimize: menu. Smallest Code and Fast both give 1 warning about SRAM2. `/Users/bconner/Library/Arduino15/packages/proffieboard_beta/tools/arm-none-eabi-gcc/9-2020-q2-update/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld:/Users/bconner/Library/Arduino15/packages/proffieboard_beta/hardware/stm32l4/3.3.0/variants/STM32L452RE-ProffieboardV3/linker_scripts/STM32L452RE_FLASH.ld:224: warning: memory region...