Any ETA on this?
You can probably just add it into this method without exposing anything https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/blob/b110cd49ccd50171da058f69705100d913905cb9/shared/src/main/java/net/skinsrestorer/shared/storage/SkinStorage.java#L583
> You need to add 1.20 support, the sound packets has been heavily updated here https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Sound_Effect Fell free to make a commit into this PR
Don't reload your server and just restart it.
Looks also good, ready to merge
Looks good, ready to merge
Hold up, I just saw the "WrapperPlayServerUnlockRecipes" class. It's definetly not cross-version and a duplicate of #382
And could you provide some testing results? Like before and after (time in ms)? This would be great.
@Leymooo Sup, any news about Waterfall based fork? Have you tried this guy's diff command yet?
Yes, Leymooo won't spend any time migrating it to Waterfall based Fork.