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I'm trying to make so that people can use /Phelp to get a list of commands they can use, the list is kind of long so i split it into another command that reads the rest of the commands, the command is /Phelp page 2, but for some reason i can't get /PHelp page 2 to work. Someone Please explain. Here's my code:
command /PHelp:
usage: &cYou may be using it wrong. Have you tried &a/Phelp
message "&f&l---------------------------------------------"
message "-&a&lWelcome &7to &b&lSkyCraft!-"
message "-&c/PlayerHelp ; &8The main player help command. &7-"
message "-&c/PHelp ; &8The shortened player help command. &7-"
message "-&c/PHelpBook ; &8The book for player help. &7-"
message "-&c/Warp | /warps ; &8Tp to various worlds and creations on the server! &7-"
message "-&c/windswept ; &8Explore, build, break, and claim in our main survival world! &7-"
message "-&c/sethome ; &8Sets your current location to a tp only avaliable to you. &7-"
message "-&c/home ; &8Teleports you to your current set home position. &7-"
message "-&c/rules ; &8Displays the rules of the server. &7-"
message "-&c/tpa
command "/PHelp page 2":
message "&f&l---------------------------------------------"
message "-&c/kryta ; &8Teleports you to the amazing adventure and quest world of kryta! &7-"
message "-&c/ah ; &8Shows the GUI shop. &7-"
message "-&c/msg
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