Skript copied to clipboard
Ideas for /skript command and script-related events and stuff @EDIT 2
Please, add "/skript scripts" command to show all scripts in scripts folder - enabled - green with [enabled] prefix, disabled - red with [disabled] prefix @EDIT Some useful things:
some ideas
- ability to create folders with scripts in scripts folder as projects:
- command /skript reload project "Project No.1" will reload all scripts in project
- command /skript enable/disable project "Project No.1" will enable/disable all scripts in project
- notes prefixed with $ symbol in scripts as it's info
- $author:
- $version:
- $update: <all fixes, bugs removed, things added in this version>
- command /skript info "abc" shows all informations prefixed by $
- NEW moving skript between folders [command and effect] fe. move "" to "otherfolder"
- NEW scripts need to reload themselves without other script
- on any script load/unload [when any script is load/unloaded]
- on load of script named "abc"
- add script [-s | named "ABC"] to {running::*}
- send names [-s] of [enabled | disabled] script [-s | named "ABC" ] to player
- change name of script "ABC" to "xyz"
- add/remove script "abc" to/from project "Project No.1"
- kill script/project "abc" - immediately stops script without saving anything
- (if | while) (script | project ) "ABC" exist[-s]
- NEW on script move [to | from project "ABC"]
think and write down your ideas :D
For the reloading as a project suggestion, you can put all the scripts for a "project" into a folder, and with /sk reload <Folder Name>, you can reload a specific folder. I do, however, quite like the idea of having a list of enabled scripts. It makes it easier to see which ones are currently being used without having to open the scripts folder.
But puting the same code in all scripts is unconfortable. I have made prototype of list-of-enabled-scripts, but it is hard to EDIT list ie. When I change name of script it is still on the disabled scripts list and it must be removed manually from {enabled:: *}. Maybe you have better script ? Can u give me link to it ?
Like @GrassyMoss said, you can already put scripts into a folder and enable or disable the whole folder with a single command.
I also like some of the script-related events and stuff (BTW: edited the title).
This would be awesome! :D