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vagrant: 2.3.7 -> 2.4.1; adopt orphaned package
Description of changes
Vagrant 2.4.1 is out; which is mostly a typical gemset update but also changes the license to BSL 1.1.
I also saw that the package has no maintainer, so I added myself. I don't consider myself expert at using (or writing code against) Vagrant, but I figured it was better than listing nobody there since I'm touching it most recently.
Things done
- Built on platform(s)
- [x] x86_64-linux
- [ ] aarch64-linux
- [ ] x86_64-darwin
- [ ] aarch64-darwin
- For non-Linux: Is sandboxing enabled in
? (See Nix manual)- [ ]
sandbox = relaxed
- [ ]
sandbox = true
- [ ]
- [ ] Tested, as applicable:
- NixOS test(s) (look inside nixos/tests)
- and/or package tests
- or, for functions and "core" functionality, tests in lib/tests or pkgs/test
- made sure NixOS tests are linked to the relevant packages
- [x] Tested compilation of all packages that depend on this change using
nix-shell -p nixpkgs-review --run "nixpkgs-review rev HEAD"
. Note: all changes have to be committed, also see nixpkgs-review usage - [x] Tested basic functionality of all binary files (usually in
) -
24.05 Release Notes (or backporting 23.05 and 23.11 Release notes)
- ~[ ] (Package updates) Added a release notes entry if the change is major or breaking~
- ~[ ] (Module updates) Added a release notes entry if the change is significant~
- ~[ ] (Module addition) Added a release notes entry if adding a new NixOS module~
- [x] Fits
Add a :+1: reaction to pull requests you find important.
Hello, I had a problem with the 2.3.7 of vagrant when trying to run the metasploitable 3 vagrant file with windows machine, I get this error.
After some research I found that adding
to the buildInputs
of Vagrant solved this error. I don't know if it is a good thing to add or not. But i just wanted to address this issue.
NB: The screenshot was taken by running vagrant up
using vagrant that is built with this PR.
@yassineibr oh wow, part of my intent with this PR was to chase down the exact same bug! :smile: I wasn't able to make it work wish just a version update, though, so I'll test the same thing locally and I'm more than happy to add that to buildInputs
for a fix. Thank you for bringing it up here
# Override nixpkgs to use the latest set of node packages
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:tylerjl/nixpkgs/vagrant-2-4";
inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = {
(system: let
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
config.allowUnfree = true;
overlays = [(final: prev: {
vagrant = prev.vagrant.overrideAttrs (old: {
buildInputs = [prev.pkgs.openssl_legacy];
in {
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
using this flake I solved the problem.
@yassineibr thanks; I added openssl
and it resolved my issue so I went ahead and included that one in the latest commit since the _legacy
variant sounds like it might get fully deprecated at some point :+1:
yeah I can confirm that. Thanks for the PR.