calamares-nixos-extensions copied to clipboard
`swapon` executed twice
was executed in both mount
and nix
during installation and errored out.
2024-05-21 - 14:50:33 [6]: Starting job "mount" ( 11 / 15 )
2024-05-21 - 14:50:34 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_GB" in "/nix/store/jx4z74g6hrw32l3cga2bcj64hc6y3sz4-calamares-3.3.3/share/locale/en_GB"
2024-05-21 - 14:50:34 [6]: .. Running ("swapon", "/dev/nvme0n1p3")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-t", "ext4", "-o", "defaults", "/dev/nvme0n1p2", "/tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("sync")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-t", "vfat", "-o", "defaults", "/dev/nvme0n1p1", "/tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/boot")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("sync")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-o", "b,i,n,d", "/dev", "/tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/dev")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Target cmd: ("mount", "-o", "b,i,n,d", "/dev", "/tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/dev") Exit code: 32 output:
mount: /tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/dev: /dev is not a block device.
dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("sync")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [2]: WARNING: [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot mount /dev"
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-t", "proc", "-o", "defaults", "proc", "/tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/proc")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:35 [6]: .. Running ("sync")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-t", "tmpfs", "-o", "defaults", "tmpfs", "/tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/run")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: .. Running ("sync")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-o", "b,i,n,d", "/run/udev", "/tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/run/udev")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: .. Target cmd: ("mount", "-o", "b,i,n,d", "/run/udev", "/tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/run/udev") Exit code: 32 output:
mount: /tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/run/udev: /run/udev is not a block device.
dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: .. Running ("sync")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [2]: WARNING: [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot mount /run/udev"
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: .. Running ("mount", "-t", "sysfs", "-o", "defaults", "sys", "/tmp/calamares-root-ydqidv1z/sys")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: .. Running ("udevadm", "settle")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: .. Running ("sync")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2024-05-21 - 14:50:36 [6]: Starting job "nixos" ( 12 / 15 )
2024-05-21 - 14:50:37 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_GB" in "/nix/store/jx4z74g6hrw32l3cga2bcj64hc6y3sz4-calamares-3.3.3/share/locale/en_GB"
2024-05-21 - 14:50:37 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const
2024-05-21 - 14:50:37 [2]: WARNING: Unknown GS key hostname
2024-05-21 - 14:50:37 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const
2024-05-21 - 14:50:37 [2]: WARNING: Unknown GS key keyboardVConsoleKeymap
2024-05-21 - 14:50:37 [6]: .. Running ("swapon", "/dev/nvme0n1p3")
2024-05-21 - 14:50:37 [6]: .. Target cmd: ("swapon", "/dev/nvme0n1p3") Exit code: 255 output:
swapon: /dev/nvme0n1p3: swapon failed: Device or resource busy
2024-05-21 - 14:50:37 [1]: ERROR: [PYTHON JOB]: "Failed to activate swap: /dev/mapper//dev/nvme0n1p3"
Full session log: