
Results 20 comments of NitroCao

This regex expression may also need to be modified

> The `coc-settings.json` file is empty right now. Do you know what value should I use for ``? just like this: `-noverify -Xmx2G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication`. The value of `-Xmx` is...

Hi, will this PR be merged in the future?

你好,我的 gitlab-ci 跑到 build 阶段构建镜像的时候容器里的 docker 总是跑不起来,是什么原因呢?(gitlab 和 gitlab-ci 都在 k8s 里,gitlab-ci 是用 helm 部署的) 这是我的 `.gitlab-ci.yml`: 这是 job 的输出: 这是部署 gitlab-runner 的 chart:


@forsigner 这个应该不是 hexo 自身的问题吧。我测试了一下,如果我用默认的 landscape 主题,然后在 hexo 的 _config.yml 中将 URL 改为,root 改为 /blog/,是正常的。但是用您的这个主题这样做的话,JS、CSS、字体的 URL 还是、。

还有— —||......个人感觉把导航栏做成透明放在正上方更好看一点


Maybe we can add client/server support to solve the problem instead of using Redis as cache backend. Trivy doesn't need to download vulnerability database or cache package/os info locally. Relative...

> @NitroCao could you confirm that this issue is still actual? thanks! Confirmed that Trivy now exits with error messages when specifying invalid rego files in latest version 0.34.0. Thanks...