Edvin N

Results 79 issues of Edvin N

Today it's possible to hang a entire gitops promotion due to some developer writing a bad branch that only includes `app-frontend-` Since gitops promotion knows the name when creating the...

**Motivation** Just like in AWS I want to be able to monitor my k8s audit logs in Azure. **Feature** A implementation of reading k8s_aduit logs in AKS through [Log Analytics...


This script currently relies on the docker cli is available. After the 1.24 we can assume that it's not going to be the case any more. Should probably change over...

This to help users to easily understand why nothing is happening when they run the script and gdb isn't installed. Signed-off-by: edvin norling

# Summary Enable wildcard for *ResourceWhitelist/Blacklist # Motivation Today I let my different application teams sync on specific AppProjects where i define namespaceResourceWhitelist & Blacklist. But it's kind of a...

good first issue

### Request Running alloy convert is unable to handle the `env` syntax of OTEL and provides the following error: `Error: (Critical) failed to get otelcol config: cannot resolve the configuration:...


In https://github.com/grafana/grafana-operator/blob/9f1b655fc9177f53b9a7c698ed895e5487e64734/docs/docs/proposals/003-grafanaserviceaccount-crd.md we have designed a way of managing grafana service accounts after discussions in this PR: https://github.com/grafana/grafana-operator/pull/1413 This issue is to track this implementation.

help wanted

As a part of generating a docker container when running something like: `spin registry push ttl.sh/something:1h`, we get very basic information about the container. ``` ➜ docker manifest inspect ttl.sh/something:1h...


## Background There is a general push for SBOMs in the software community, especially after [the executive order](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/05/12/executive-order-on-improving-the-nations-cybersecurity/) back in 2021. I have very limited knowledge about the WASM community,...