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Does ReID work out of the box with commands given in demo section of readme?
I tried following commands to try out ReID on my custom 15 seconds video with three people walking, getting occluded behind two trees and emerge back from behind tree.
Single class yolox:
python3 tools/ video \
--path <my-video-path> \
-f yolox/exps/example/mot/ \
-c pretrained/bytetrack_x_mot17.pth.tar \
--with-reid --fuse-score --fp16 --fuse --save_result
Multiclass with yolox:
python3 tools/ video \
--path <my-video-path> \
-f yolox/exps/example/mot/ \
-c pretrained/bytetrack_x_mot17.pth.tar \
--with-reid --fuse-score --fp16 --fuse --save_result
Multiclass with yolov7:
python3 tools/
--weights pretrained/
--source <my-video-path>
--fuse-score --agnostic-nms --with-reid
However, none work. When people emerge back from behind the trees after seven of seconds of walk, they are not assigned the older IDs but get assigned newer IDs.
Does ReID indeed work? Are above commands correct? or am doing something wrong here?