phpunit-merger copied to clipboard
Merge of junit logs is not working.
Hi, thanks for the package and for sharing it.
I have a problem when I try to merge junit logs that where generate in .xml files. Command that I execute php -d memory_limit=512M vendor/bin/phpunit-merger log locallog merged-log.xml
as a result I have the following xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Thank you.
Hi @mtamazlicaru,
Thank you for your report. I need some more information to reproduce and fix the problem. Can you provide some more information or share your xml files?
Unfortunately I am not able to share the xml files. I can share the structure of xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="" tests="833" assertions="2198" errors="0" warnings="0" failures="0" skipped="0" time="2.508270">
<testsuite name="unit" tests="833" assertions="2198" errors="0" warnings="0" failures="0" skipped="0" time="2.508270">
<testsuite name="App\Tests\Unit\Client\XYZTest" file="/server/project/tests/Unit/Client/XYZTest.php" tests="6" assertions="22" errors="0" warnings="0" failures="0" skipped="0" time="0.024950">
<testcase name="testXYZ" class="App\Tests\Unit\Client\XYZTest" classname="App.Tests.Unit.Client.XYZTest" file="/server/project/tests/Unit/Client/XYZTest.php" line="38" assertions="2" time="0.017373"/>
I will try to reproduce on a different project the issue then I will come back with more details.
Some packages that I am using:
nimut/phpunit-merger 1.1.0 Merge multiple PHPUnit rep...
phpunit/php-code-coverage 9.2.7 Library that provides coll...
phpunit/php-file-iterator 3.0.5 FilterIterator implementat...
phpunit/php-text-template 2.0.4 Simple template engine.
symfony/phpunit-bridge v5.2.9 Provides utilities for PHP...
Hi @mtamazlicaru,
please check again the issue described in the pull-request:
Maybe yours is the same reason and the pr will fix it as well?
Hi @thirsch, thank you for the hint. I will check the fix in PR #19.
Hi @mtamazlicaru, could you already check the fix and did it solve your issue as well? I've found a couple of more issues and would be happy to contribute all my fixes.
Hi @thirsch, sorry I didn't managed yet to test the fix. I will come with an update as soon I manage to test it. Thank you.