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Add "Wine Quality Prediction" Project
Hello @Niketkumardheeryan
I would like to add a new machine learning project, "Wine Quality Prediction" into this repository. I have mentioned the project details below for your reference. I request you to assign this issue to me in accordance to Gssoc'24.
Project Name: Wine Quality Prediction
Project Description: I've developed a machine learning project titled "Wine Quality Prediction" that aims to predict the quality of wines based on various features such as acidity, pH levels, alcohol content, etc. The project utilizes a dataset containing chemical properties of wines and their corresponding quality ratings.
Repository Link:
Project Details:
Dataset: The dataset used in this project is sourced from "winequality-red.csv" which is available in kaggle. It consists of 1599 rows and 12 columns.
Evaluation Metrics: The accuracy score of the trained model is calculated on the test data, which is found to be approximately 93.13%.
Dependencies: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, scikit-learn.
Why Add to MlCapsule Repository? Adding this project to MlCapsule repository will contribute to the diversity of machine learning and data science projects available in the repository. It will also provide an opportunity for others to learn from and contribute to this project.
Thanks for creating the issue
The issue has been assigned to you , Please follow project guidelines for PR.