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The Cerberus micro-service, a secure property store for cloud applications. It includes a REST API, authentication and encryption features, as well as a self-service web UI for users.
The Cerberus API is a cloud native, scalable Springboot application that can securely store application properties and files with robust auditing features.
Cerberus has an accessible user interface that offers teams there own self service portal for mapping various principals (Users and Applications) to what we call a Safe Deposit Box.
Safe Deposit Boxes can store properties (k,v pairs, json blobs, etc) and files (certificates, private key files, etc).
Cerberus has a robust versioning and audit features built in, so you can see who is doing what and revert data in an SDB if needed.
To learn more about Cerberus, please visit the Cerberus website.
Getting Started for local development
Configure Cerberus
Cerberus will look in ~/.cerberus/
for additional springboot configuration.
You can configure a cerberus-local.yaml
file there that has your local specific conf.
See the configuration section for details on required and optional configuration.
Start Mysql
You need to configure and run MySQL locally
MySQL Version 5.7 is required to run the application locally.
To get MySQL setup on OS X:
$ brew install [email protected]
$ mysql.server restart
$ mysql_secure_installation
You'll need to create a database and user for it. Run the following SQL against your mysql database:
GRANT ALL ON cms.* TO 'cms'@'localhost';
Ensure that you have AWS Credentials available
Ensure Credentials are available as outlined in the AWS Java Credentials page, we use the default provider chain.
For local development you can use a tool such as gimme-aws-creds
$ gimme-aws-creds --profile cerberus
Using password from keyring for [email protected]
Multi-factor Authentication required.
token:software:totp( GOOGLE ) : [email protected] selected
Enter verification code: 111111
writing role arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/cerberus.admin.role to /Users/jfiel2/.aws/credentials
Start Cerberus
Cerberus is a Spring boot application and this project makes use of the Springboot gradle plugin. You can start cerberus with gradle
./gradlew cerberus-web:bootRun
You can start it with a remote debugger
./gradlew cerberus-web:bootRun --debug-jvm
You must build the dashboard once and after you make changes
./gradlew cerberus-dashboard:buildDashboard cerberus-web:bootRun
We have also including 2 convenience scripts that are nice because they give you pretty colors
This script builds the jar and starts the application listening but not breaking for a remote debugger on port 5006
This script builds the jar and starts the application stopping automatically before spring initializes and waits for a remote debugger to attach on port 5006
Take a look at the master configuration, which contains all the available options and default values. A reasonable approach would be to copy this file and place it ~/.cerberus/cerberus-${envName} and remove the default values you do not wish to override and configure any options you desire.
Remember that this is a Springboot app, so when you deploy it you can configure it like so.
# configure the jvm by using export JVM_BEHAVIOR_ARGS
. /path/to/some/file/that/does/advanced/jvm/config/
-Dspring.profiles.active=prod \
-Dspring.config.additional-location:/opt/cerberus/ \
java -jar \
/opt/cerberus/cerberus-web.jar > ${LOG_OUT} 2> ${LOG_ERR}
In the above when the app starts it will look in the classpath and /opt/cerberus/
for cerberus.yml|yaml
, cerberus-prod.yml|yaml
First Secrets
You need to configure the first secrets, AKA the secrets that Cerberus needs to run. When Cerberus was first released AWS Secrets Manager didn't exist, so we rolled out a solution based on encrypting props files with KMS and storing them in S3 and downloading and decrypting them at runtime and merging the props in Guice.
With the new Springboot based Cerberus (Phoenix) you can use Kork-Secrets and AWS Secrets Manager.
You can upload a binary file such as a cert via the following:
aws secretsmanager create-secret --name ${ENV}-cms-ssl-cert --secret-binary fileb://path/to/your/ssl/cert.pfx
Update the cert in the future via the following:
aws secretsmanager update-secret --secret-id arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:111111:secret:${ENV}-cms-ssl-cert-xxxxx --secret-binary fileb://path/to/your/ssl/cert.pfx
Once uploaded you can reference the first secrets in the config yaml like this
security.requireSsl: true
keyStore: encryptedFile:secrets-manager!r:some-region!s:${ENV}-cms-ssl-cert
keyStorePassword: encrypted:secrets-manager!r:some-region!s:some-secret!k:some-key
Cerberus Management Service is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0