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[SGE] Add SGE_ST_Toxikon
- SGE_ST_Toxikon: group spells with no cast time in one button, so that you can spam it when you are moving.
Dummy hitboxes can funky you might want to instead test on something your chocobo is tanking. I'll take a look at this tomorrow though. I've been toying with the idea of writing a more primitive version of this myself for a while now.
Yeah I've tested the distance thing with p7n boss, but feel free to test again.
Perhaps you should consider clarifying the description so it indicates it defaults to spamming Eukrasian Dosis when it can't do anything else.
Perhaps you should consider clarifying the description so it indicates it defaults to spamming Eukrasian Dosis when it can't do anything else.
Do you want it to be more descriptive than "Use Eukrasian Dosis if DoT is needed or nothing else can be used."? Open to the option.
Ah, I misread. Honestly, if it were up to me, I'd split that out into two options. One for refreshing and one for if nothing else is available. That way it could double as an AoE button that spams Eukrasian Dosis if you step out of range. Good for Dungeons for keeping Kardia ticking as you wouldn't want to put Eukrasian Dosis on single mobs during that.
Sounds good, changes are made and tested on my machine
I maybe reading this wrong, but isn't this just the existing Phlegma Combo with DoT?
I maybe reading this wrong, but isn't this just the existing Phlegma Combo with DoT?
And Dyskrasia if you're in range for it, essentially it's a "trigger Kardia whilst moving no matter what whilst doing the most dps possible" button
I maybe reading this wrong, but isn't this just the existing Phlegma Combo with DoT?
Like Daemeous said, this is a feature for maintaining GCD uptime when you are moving. Phlegma Combo is for aoe IIRC.
Took another look again, also very similar to single target DPS, and that you're mentioning just uptime damage.
Would this tiny revamp of single target dps work as well?
How do you use these skills without moving then?
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Took another look again, also very similar to single target DPS, and that you're mentioning just uptime damage.
Would this tiny revamp of single target dps work as well?
The weakness there is you pick only one and either Toxicon runs out of charges and it gets stuck or if you run out of range for Dyskrasia you dyskrasia nothing and burn mana on 0 damage/healing
Took another look again, also very similar to single target DPS, and that you're mentioning just uptime damage. Would this tiny revamp of single target dps work as well?
The weakness there is you pick only one and either Toxicon runs out of charges and it gets stuck or if you run out of range for Dyskrasia you dyskrasia nothing and burn mana on 0 damage/healing
I already thought of that. It's not a binary choice that I rigged up
Then it would have to also default to using Eukrasian Dosis once both of those fail to work and you're moving.
Took another look again, also very similar to single target DPS, and that you're mentioning just uptime damage. Would this tiny revamp of single target dps work as well?
The weakness there is you pick only one and either Toxicon runs out of charges and it gets stuck or if you run out of range for Dyskrasia you dyskrasia nothing and burn mana on 0 damage/healing
I already thought of that. It's not a binary choice that I rigged up
I'm sure you can make the feature work exactly the same in there, just under movement condition. But it's pretty common for people to intentionally use a non-casting skill to either prepare to move or double weave. Having to move to execute proper skills in these cases won't work nicely. If you want simplicity, I can remove all the sub-options, and leave only the top option that enables all sub-options. And add more description in the option to describe what it is. So we will end up with a simple option that turns toxikon into a button where you can spam for movement or double weave. WDYT?
I like the way it works now, we get that functionality of your last sentence just turning everything on. Being able to use this button as a "gotta double weave now" is also a great benefit, not just full mobility.
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