MiPushFramework copied to clipboard
resolver.msg.xiaomi.net, cn.app.chat.xiaomi.net 未被屏蔽,但连接状态未显示 connected
Describe the bug/ A clear and concise description of what the bug is.(解释一下出了什么问题) 按步骤安装推送服务,MiPush模块后,连接状态未显示 connected,所有APP均未注册。这两个域名 resolver.msg.xiaomi.net, cn.app.chat.xiaomi.net 未被屏蔽 To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:(如何复现错误,也就是您的操作步骤)
- 安装推送服务,安装MiPush模块,LSPosed中作用域勾选系统框架,推送服务
- 重启手机,打开推送服务按提示给予权限
- 连接状态未显示 connected,XMPP服务器Current为[]
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.(您希望发生什么)
连接状态显示 connected
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Logs (日志)
Logs are very important, this can help us solve the problem.
Please upload your log file and paste the address here:(请上传您的日志文件,在这里粘贴地址:)
ROM and version(manager): (你的 ROM 和 manager 的版本)
- Name: 氢 OS11.0.9.1
- Android Version: 11
- Version v0.3.11-240-gfaf3081-vc105-release
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.(更多关于问题的内容写在这里)