Gitee icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Gitee copied to clipboard

Gitee, OS X status bar application for Github

Results 15 Gitee issues
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Hello @Nightonke, I really love this app. I guess you do not keep maintain this project. I really want to use it. Is there any chance to keep this project...

just updated to the latest version and now gitee is crashing on launch (the github icons appears and disappears) running on MacOS high sierra 10.13 on the mac console...


testing this on 10.13/10.12 all gitee notifications can't be swiped to the side to dismiss and they have no close buttons that means that when i open my mac i...


instead of pressing the notification to open it and then pressing the V in the main window, we should have an option that opening any notification will also remove it...


like the title says, when i press the V on notifications it sometimes causes the main window to close tested this on 10.12/10.13 it might be related to when gitee...


Please do a release for 10.10

This would be really useful to mute some repos and/or organizations that I am a part of but that don't need to fit into my daily workflow. I'm guessing others...

I just want to switch to my other account, so how can I sign out? Or if you want, you can implement something like an account manager.

Unfortunately! After I enter my account and password, it's crash when I click status bar. How to clean my account setting on this situation?I want try again with `Personal access...