CoCoin icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CoCoin copied to clipboard

CoCoin, Multi-view Accounting Application

Results 48 CoCoin issues
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Description: This issue aims to figure out some accessibility issues in the following GUI, and we appreciate if such issues could be fixed, which would bring great assistance for visually...

Hey there! I belong to an open source security research community, and a member (@vanlan12) has found an issue, but doesn’t know the best way to disclose it. If not...

FIXED - App crashes when account book is requested.

Build fail with gradle synch issue error: Could not find method leftShift() for arguments [com.tencent.bugly.gradle.BuglyPlugin$_createUploadTask_closure8@387a2c24] on task ':app:uploadReleaseSymtabFile' of type org.gradle.api.DefaultTask. |   -- | --

我用android studio build 的时候 ,报错无法解决 bmob-sdk-3.4.5 依赖,有人遇到过么

Password Button and Commit Button don’t response if the app is in Record page. ![image](

Hi, I am new to android, i using your apps as my learning resources. The apps stuck in the splash screen and turn into black screen after a moment when...

@Nightonke Can I work on migrating this project to AndroidX?