BoomMenu icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BoomMenu copied to clipboard

The buttons aren't correctly shown on landscape mode

Open stefanionescu opened this issue 7 years ago • 7 comments

Hey guys,

When I use boom and want to change the orientation to landscape, I see that not all the buttons are shown.

I tried to look into the layout folder but didn't manage to make all of them show.

Can you please suggest a solution for this little bug ?

Thank you !

P.S I use the circle buttons, not the ham.

stefanionescu avatar Mar 06 '17 18:03 stefanionescu

Does "Aren't Correctly shown" means that sub-buttons are on incorrect positions? Could you post some images for this bug? Thanks~

Nightonke avatar Mar 08 '17 06:03 Nightonke

Check here on portrait and on landscape. I test on Samsung Galaxy S5, Android 6.0 and the entire screen is a RelativeLayout.

I tried to position the buttons on the center of the screen with the built in attribute but it didn't work.

stefanionescu avatar Mar 08 '17 09:03 stefanionescu

Em..I see. This bug happens because sub-buttons lay on a gray background view. I suggest to detect the "portrait/landscape changed" event and try to reboom BMB if it has boomed.

Nightonke avatar Mar 08 '17 10:03 Nightonke

 public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {

    if (bmb.isBoomed()){





Same I doing something wrong ?

stefanionescu avatar Mar 08 '17 16:03 stefanionescu

@stefanionescu, any solution?

D330 avatar Mar 06 '18 20:03 D330

BackgroundView has method reLayout. I think we can call him when configuration is changed.

D330 avatar Mar 06 '18 20:03 D330

@stefanionescu Have you found a solution for that?

Breslov avatar Oct 27 '20 16:10 Breslov