go-semantic-release icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
go-semantic-release copied to clipboard

automatic release



Release Types

Type Implemented Git tag Changelog Release Write access git Api token
github :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
gitlab :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
git :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
bitbucket Comming soon :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

Supported CI Pipelines

  • Github Actions
  • Gitlab CI
  • Travis CI
  • Custom CI, set enviroment CI=true


You can download the newest version under releases


you can use a Docker image

docker pull nightapes/go-semantic-release:<VERSION> or docker pull docker.pkg.github.com/nightapes/go-semantic-release/go-semantic-release:<VERSION>

How to use

go-semantic-release config file Create a file with the name .release.yml or anything else, but you need to set to every command -c <your config file>

Example config

commitFormat: angular
  master: release
release: 'github'
  repo: "go-semantic-release"
  user: "nightapes"
  - name: ./build/go-semantic-release
    compress: false
  - name: ./build/go-semantic-release.exe
    compress: false
    - name: echo $RELEASE_VERSION
    - name: echo $RELEASE_VERSION
    enabled: true


Supported formats:


You can define which kind of release should be created for different branches.

Supported release kinds:

  • release -> v1.0.0
  • rc -> v1.0.0-rc.0
  • beta -> v1.0.0-beta.0
  • alpha -> v1.0.0-alpha.0

Add a branch config to your config

  <branch-name>: <kind>


At the moment we support releases to gitlab and github.


You need to set the env GITHUB_TOKEN with an access token.

release: 'github'
  user: "<user/group"
  repo: "<repositroyname>"
  ## Optional, if you are not using github.com
  customUrl: <https://your.github>
  ## Optional, if you want to change the default tag prefix ("v")
  tagPrefix: ""

You need to set the env GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN with an personal access token.

release: 'gitlab'
  repo: "<repositroyname>"  ## Example group/project
  ## Optional, if your not using gitlab.com
  customUrl: <https://your.gitlab>
  ## Optional, if you want to change the default tag prefix ("v")
  tagPrefix: ""

You can find an example .gitlab-ci.yml in the examples folder.

Git only

Only via https at the moment. You need write access to your git repository

release: 'git'
  email: "<email>" # Used for creating tag
  user: "<user>" : # Used for creating tag and pushing
  auth: "<token>" # Used for pushing, can be env "$GIT_TOKEN", will be replaced with env
  ## Optional, if you want to change the default tag prefix ("v")
  tagPrefix: ""


You can upload assets to a release

Support for gitlab and github. If you want, you can let the file be compressed before uploading

  - name: ./build/go-semantic-release
    compress: false


Hooks will run when calling release. Hooks run only if a release will be triggered. You can define hooks which run before or after the release. The shell commands will run in order, you can access the current release version via an environment variable RELEASE_VERSION

  - name: echo $RELEASE_VERSION
  - name: echo $RELEASE_VERSION


Integrations are simple helpers to make integration with existing tools easier. At the moment npm is supported, the integration will set the version before release to the package.json

    enabled: true


Following variables and objects can be used for templates:

Top level

Field Type Description
Commits string Fully rendered commit messages. This is left for backward compatibility.
CommitsContent commitsContent Raw parsed commit data. Use this if you want to customize the output.
Version string Next release version
Now time.Time Current time of generating changelog
Backtick string Backtick character
HasDocker bool If a docker repository is set in the config.
HasDockerLatest bool If latest image was uploaded
DockerRepository string Docker repository


Field Type Description
Commits map[string][]AnalyzedCommit Commits grouped by commit type
BreakingChanges []AnalyzedCommit Analyzed commit structure
Order []string Ordered list of types
HasURL bool If a URL is available for commits
URL string URL for to the commit with {{hash}} suffix


Field Type Description
Commit Commit Original GIT commit
Tag string Type of commit (e.g. feat, fix, ...)
TagString string Full name of the type
Scope bool Scope value from the commit
Subject string URL for to the commit with {{hash}} suffix
MessageBlocks map[string][]MessageBlock Different sections of a message (e.g. body, footer etc.)
IsBreaking bool If this commit contains a breaking change
Print bool Should this commit be included in Changelog output


Field Type Description
Message string Original git commit message
Author string Name of the author
Hash string Commit hash value "


Field Type Description
Label string Label for a block (optional). This will usually be a token used in a footer
Content string The parsed content of a block
  printAll: false ## Print all valid commits to changelog
  title: "v{{.Version}} ({{.Now.Format "2006-01-02"}})" ## Used for releases (go template)
  templatePath: "./examples/changelog.tmpl"    ## Path to a template file (go template)
  showAuthors: false  ## Show authors in changelog
  showBodyAsHeader: false  ## Show all bodies of the commits as header of changelog (useful for squash commit flow to show long text in release)


You can print a help text for a docker image

    latest: false ## If you uploaded a latest image
    repository: ## Your docker repository, which is used for docker run

You can print a help text for a npm package

    name: ## Name of the npm package
    repository: ## Your docker repository, which is used for docker run


go-semantic-release has two modes for calculating the version: automatic or manual.


Version will be calculated on the next or release command


If you don't want that go-semantic-release is calculating the version from the commits, you can set the version by hand with following command:

./go-semantic-release set 1.1.1

Print version

Print the next version, can be used to add version to your program

./go-semantic-release next // show next version (calculated by new commits since last version)
./go-semantic-release last // show last released version 

Example with go-lang

go build -ldflags "--X main.version=`./go-semantic-release next`"

Create release

./go-semantic-release release 

Write changelog to file

This will write all changes beginning from the last git tag til HEAD to a changelog file. Default changelog file name if nothing is given via --file: CHANGELOG.md. Note that per default the new changelog will be prepended to the existing file. With --max-file-size a maximum sizes of the changelog file in megabytes can be specified. If the size exceeds the limit, the current changelog file will be moved to a new file called <filename>-<1-n>.<file extension>. The new changelog will be written to the <filename>. The default maximum file size limit is 10 megabytes.

./go-semantic-release changelog --max-file-size 10

This will overwrite the given changelog file if its existing, if not it will be created.

./go-semantic-release changelog --overwrite

Build from source

go build ./cmd/go-semantic-release/


go test ./... 


curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.16.0
golangci-lint run ./...