Night copied to clipboard
Night is a speeding proxy with several customizable features and easy deployment.
• Fast Speeds
• Tab Cloaking
• Wide collection of Apps
• Built in proxy with functions
• Deployable on any static hosting platform
• Themes
• About:Blank cloaking
Deploy to Netlify
Go to Github and click sign up.
Once your account is made, fork our github.
Next go to Netlify
Create a account and make sure to link it to Github.
Next click on
within Netlify and then click onAdd new site
andImport an existing project
Click on deploy with Github.
Scroll to find the fork of Night you made earlier. When you find it, click it.
Next a page will pull up with some information that you probably don't know about. Ignore all of it and scroll to the bottom. Click
Deploy (fork name)
Wait for the github to finish building. But while you're waiting, go to
Site Configuration
under your site link and a couple other information. -
, click on Site details, then clickChange site name
Change the domain name to whatever you want, but make sure to give us 100% credit in your Git fork or something. Click
and close out the menu. -
Next click on the link that was generated below
Configuration for (name of domain)
And you're done. Make sure to keep your Github updated with the most recent versions of Night.
If you need any help with deploying, join our Discord
Note If you have any problems please open an issue, so we can fix it as quickly as possible!
If you have any suggestions or improvements, please create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Skidding will not be tolerated and will get you banned from our Discord.
We take no credit for the making of UV. Ultraviolet is made by TN. We also take no credit for the making of Dynamic. Dynamic is made by Nebula.
Thank you to the following people for contributing to Night Network!