Feraidoon Mehri
Feraidoon Mehri
A nice alternative is https://thautwarm.github.io/MLStyle.jl/latest/ .
I have the distilled model downloaded. How do I make whisper.el use that? ``` ~/code/misc/whisper.cpp/models/ggml-distil-large-v3.bin ```
I got it to work: ``` (setq whisper-install-whispercpp 'manual whisper-install-directory (expand-file-name "~/code/misc/") ;; =whisper.cpp= must be found inside `whisper-install-directory'. whisper-model "distil-large-v3" whisper-language "en" whisper-translate nil ;; whisper-use-threads (/ (num-processors) 2)...
Does RADIO have ImageNet-1k heads?
`pandoc` is good at converting markdown to org-mode or plaintext.