Erwin Nieuwlaar
Erwin Nieuwlaar
- Fixed crashing dialogs in Superapp [#118]( - Changed some appearance of ValueTransferapp/ConfIDapp. Introduced [IDelft]( (also in [#118]( - Created [happy flow]( Prerequisite of happy flow: KVK credentials are already...
- Met with Sharif, he showed his progress. His [VC EBSI compliance]( is different than the[ Credential Issuance compliance]( which I would need. KVK schould become a Trusted Issuer (have...
- Perhaps an interesting [(EBSI) tender]( for TU Delft - In the process of adding KVK to EBSI Trusted Issuer Registry - Looked at Sharif's code, the code has...
- Requested eHerkenning - LSP is currently finalizing the Consortium Agreement - KVK will have a DID in the EBSI Trusted Issuer Register (expected this week) - Building upon the...
- KVK DID is added to the EBSI Trusted Issuer Registry 😄: `did:ebsi:zgbNBgEqAwNMYV1T9MtUmSk` 
- irrefutable legal validity: - There are three categories to obtain rights and obligations (R&O) with regard to authorizing (machtigen); attribution, mandating, and delegation. - Attribution: R&O obtained from law...
The previously mentioned statements regarding rights and obligations are all true, but concern public law. In the eHerkenning, RDW, and Makro/Sligro use case the legal basis is private law (as...
- Integrated KVK HR database service - Superapp is now able to receive/store KVK-signed truth (talks to actual pre-production server KvK :tada: :tada: :tada:) - Loaded the first Powers of...
Mashed my previous work [survey_eidas_high_compliance (2).pdf]( and [MSc_Erwin_Nieuwlaar (36).pdf]( into a few sentences. They are now included in the current document: [MSc_final (53).pdf]( - Wrote Problem Description - Wrote System...
- [EBSI early adopters programme re-opened](, perhaps interesting for funding / new MSc project - Rewrote abstract and introduction: [MSc_final_E_Nieuwlaar.pdf]( - Will rewrite Problem Description based on trust for legal...