Niels Pilgaard Grøndahl

Results 310 comments of Niels Pilgaard Grøndahl

Oh dear god no. BiomeIdFixer is supposed to fix that issue entirely 😅 Can anyone else confirm this?

> This occurred to my singleplayer world after upgrade to 1.2.1. My base was in one of the Savanna variants (I forget which), now it's a Frozen Marsh. Another nearby...

Does your save have a `biomeidfixer` folder, and if yes, would you mind pasting the contents of the `.json` file here? Also, I recommend you update the following folders, instead...

Nice fix @carbonatek, I was just about to propose that 👌 When I'm back at my laptop I'll write a short guide for applying the fix, for anyone finding this...

Edit: Please disregard this fix, I misunderstood the problem. Keeping it here for the sake of traceability 😄 #### Instructions for fixing biomes shifting as a result of adding BetterEnd...

Oh, I had misunderstood what went wrong then ^^' so BiomeIdFixer placed new biomes in the place of existing ones, shifting the list... That's the exact issue BiomeIdFixer was made...

That would be very helpful, BiomeIdFixer has behaved differently on Unix systems in the past.

Well shit, seems to be all operating systems then, just only happens to a few. I guess we can just manually fix it for the few who encounter it :)

Very interesting, I'd be up for having this as a separate action if we had *actual* access to the API :P

Crap :/ thanks for weighing in Saereth. If you find a way to reproduce it, please let us know asap :D