Results 58 comments of Nico MASSART

Hi mark, I think a first step of being able to set a custom hex color in a text field would be enough for the moment. The enhancement to have...

Doesn't it cancel the interest of testing links? What if the link is broken and your cache says it's not? How long would you like your cache to be retained?...

Hum interesting. Let me sleep on it a bit, I have to run the scenarios in my head... @tcort any opinion on this one?

> Please let me know if you have questions or if I can help contribute. Hi @bflad yes you can contribute of course. If you have an idea about implementing...

I've been suggested to try using a real browser in these specific failure cases and may help. To investigate.

Cloudflare for instance displays a captcha (click to say you are not a robot) to solve as a security before the page is reached. ![example]( So even with a puppeteer...

Is expecting a link to return a 403 a way to make the site stronger, not sure. The goal of MLC is to help having non broken links. If we...

You totally had my approval at "my family intranet site" 🤯 😉 Extending the exclusion system may be fine but then we have to make sure users understand that this...

@cadeef could you post what your modsec would have accepted?

Should we modify link-check to add this as a default or only document it here for users to add the header in options if needed? (I tend to prefer adding...