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Color themes
Ability to customize application colors, or at least chose between light theme and dark theme.
I see it’s been a year since this issue has been opened and, as a new user of Sengi, I would really like to emphasise the importance of this, because not everyone prefers dark mode. Eyesight, neurodiversity, etc. all plays a role and it’s not great to be forced to use dark mode just because it’s considered “cool” these days. For me, personally, it’s fairly unusable this way. Despite otherwise being a great client.
I came here to say what has been said above. I like dark mode and I use it almost everywhere but it would be nice to have a few more options. Good software is for everyone and the way it is now, not everyone will be able to use it even if they wanted to. I'd offer to do a PR for it but I'm not great at front-endy things, so I'd rather leave it to someone who knows what they're doing.
Hello! An article about dark mode and astigmatism that has helped me:
Not supporting color theme from the beginning is my biggest mistake on this project. The work needed now to be done is quite huge (basically going through 60 scss files and refactoring all that + theming logic off course, and correcting some mistakes on the way since on a codebase that big, there will be things not ultra clean needing attention).
I have the global idea / recipe ready to add theming in Sengi (Angular tech) but I really lack bandwidth currently to add such functionality.
If you have basic knowledge of Angular2+ and some time on your hands, or if it's a tech you'd like to learn plus a lot of time on your hands. Please let me know, I'll be happy to help you to get started and will share with you any resources / insights I can have to add this to Sengi.
@NicolasConstant thank you so much for the update, it’s super nice to know that you’re aware of this.
Unfortunately, I am just an absolute beginner (think 6 weeks of html and CSS level beginner 😉) and far away from things like Angular. Hopefully someone else will be able to pick this up.
This is a HUGE shame, as it is a great project, and it is exactly what I want ( I have been using Mastodon for over 5 years now) but I cannot work with white writing on a black background, as ( ans an older person) it simply makes my eyes water and I can't read it .. I will keep an eye on the project, I guess - I would love to use it ..
This was the very first thing I looked for when I saw this client as well. I can't do "dark themes".
Other than that it looks very promising!
I'll subscribe to this issue in the hopes that it happens some time in the future... (I'm not a web dev guy, so not likely much I can do there.)
I agree with the dislike of dark themes.
Nord, Dracula, and more themes I would like to see in Sengi.
Gotta echo previous comments: I really can't handle white-on-black. Too bad, because after trying the most popular Mastodon clients, there's no question in my mind that Sengi has the best all round approach.
NicolasConstant: you've done some awesome work, and you obviously have to follow your own instincts from here. But it seems to me that black-vs-white is about the most fundamental choice imaginable, and will probably define the size of your audience more than any other improvements you might tackle.
Anyway, best of luck, and thanks!
It is a great pity Sengi doesn't have a light theme. But Sengi is really awesome. Hope a light theme can be selected in the future.
white-on-black gives me unbearable after-images after just a few seconds of reading. i really wish there were a light theme so that i could use this software, which otherwise looks great!