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Minimal and fast JavaScript event emitter for Node.js and front-end (only 1kb)


Actual version published on NPM npm module downloads per month

Minimal and fast JavaScript event emitter for Node.js and front-end.
Only 1kb minified (577 bytes gzipped).

Getting started



npm install evemit --save

Or download the evemit.min.js file.

If Evemit is used in CommonJS environment (Node.js, Browserify, Webpack, ...), it is exposed as module with module.exports.

So in CommonJS, evemit is not exposed in the global scope (even on client side) :)

var ev = require('evemit');

// true (it's the constructor)
console.log(typeof ev === 'function');

// undefined, even on front-end with Browserify, Webpack, ...
console.log(typeof Evemit);

Basic usage (without CommonJS)

// true
console.log(typeof Evemit === 'function');

// true
console.log(typeof window.Evemit === 'function');


var Evemit = require('evemit');

// Or if you are not in an environment CommonJS (Node.js, Browserify, Webpack, ...)
// uses directly `Evemit`, without `var Evemit = require('evemit')`

var obj = new Evemit();

obj.on('say-hello', function(hello) {
  console.log(hello); // Hello World!

obj.emit('say-hello', 'Hello World!');


See the complete API doc.

Evemit.on({string} event, {function} listener, {mixed} [context])

Add a listener.

obj.on('say-hello', function(hello) {
  console.log(hello); // Hello World!

obj.emit('say-hello', 'Hello World!');

Evemit.once({string} event, {function} listener, {mixed} [context])

Listen once

function myCallback(data) {
  console.log(data.hello); // Hello 1

// Add listener, defined to be triggered "once"
obj.once('say-hello', myCallback);

// myCallback() is invoked and the listener is removed
obj.emit('say-hello', {
  hello: 'Hello 1'

// myCallback() is not called because it is no longer listening on this event
obj.emit('say-hello', {
  hello: 'Hello 2'

Evemit.emit({string} event, {mixed} [...arg])

Emit an event


With arguments passed to the listeners

obj.emit('ping', 'arg1', 'arg2', {an: 'object'});

Evemit.off({string} event, {function} listener)

Remove a listener

function myCallback(data) {
  // some code ...

// add
a.on('say-hello', myCallback);

// remove
a.off('say-hello', myCallback);

Evemit.listeners({string} [event])

Get all listeners

// Returns an array containing all listeners

Count all listeners

// Returns a number.

Get all listeners of a given event

// Returns an array of listeners

Count all listeners of a given event


The methods of the Array object can be used to manage the listeners.


// reverse the order of the listeners execution

// slices
obj.listeners('my-event').slice(1, 3);

// Removes the first listener of the stack, and returns that listener
var firstListener = obj.listeners('my-event').shift();

// Removes the last listener of the stack, and returns that listener
var lastListener = obj.listeners('my-event').pop();

// ...

Use the property obj.events if you want to get an object like

{event1: [array of listeners], event2: [array of listeners], ...}

Unit tests

evemit is unit tested with Unit.js.

Run the tests

cd node_modules/evemit

npm test

To execute the tests on client side, download the test directory and go on test/index.html file with your browser.


MIT (c) 2014, Nicolas Tallefourtane.


Nicolas Tallefourtane - Nicolab.net
Nicolas Talle
Make a donation via Paypal