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Analysis, summaries, cheatsheets about relevant papers


You can see this repo as a consolidation of reading groups which I do between me and myself :)

Why this repo

Keeping the pace of current Deep Learning Research is almost impossible and even focusing on a specific field, like Computer Vision, is extremely hard because of the new papers rate (which by the way I think it is a great thing, it makes us living in exciting times), their hard to understand content and the fact code is not so often accompanying the paper

This is specifically true if you are student as, in my opinion, the gap between the educational material (books, courses, ...) and the research material today is quite big.

The goal of this repo is to try helping students to make the quantum leap to get from the students side to the researchers side with the following methodology

  • Selecting relevant or interesting papers
  • Providing papers summaries
  • Adding code snippets implementing specific parts
  • Diving a bit more into theory and math when necessary (research papers tend to be vague on this kind of things)


As explained in contribution are absolutely welcome

  • Open issues to

    • bugfix: notify me about bugs, typos, ...
    • features: suggest relevant papers, discuss content, ...
  • Submit PR with new summaries, implementations, ...

Feel free to DM me on Twitter at @NicolaBernini to discuss anything

How to View the content

The content is typically Markdown because it is very light but as you know GitHub does not support server side math rendering so I suggest to use some Browser Plugin like


What's new



Date Topic Content
2020-10-11 RL Framework - Visual see above Added in the ReinforcementLearning section
2020-08-24 Focusing on the Deep Learning Code Development Challenges Added Challenges in Deep Learning Code Development
2020-08-17 From Papers to Code: implementing Yolo v1 from the paper Showing how to read a paper defining an architecture and how to implement the architecture directly in Pytorch
2020-08-16 Added Kanban Secion In this Kanban I am going to collect interesting bookmarks related to papers and blog posts to read
2020-08-15 Added WorkingOn Section where I am happy to share papers and blog posts which I am currently reading Started reading this interesting post from Adam Kosiorek Blog about ML of Sets
2020-08-14 Added section about Domain Adaptation with good first paper analysis Universal Domain Adaptation through Self Supervision
2020-07-31 Added Analysis of a New Paper Analysis of An Optimistic Perspective on Offline Reinforcement Learning - Gist
2020-07-10 Added anew Section on GNN Started the new Section about GNN with a paper summary Discovering Symbolic Models from Deep Learning with Inductive Biases

Also available on Colab as Discovering Symbolic Models from Deep Learning with Inductive Biases
2020-06-21 Disentangled Representation Commented Disentangling by Factorising on Scirate
2020-04-18 Causality and Machine Learning Added related comments here
2020-02-24 Domain Adaptation Paper Read - Universal Domain Adaptation through Self Supervision

Full List of Work in Progress

By Topic

Point Cloud Processing

Title Authors Link
Complex-YOLO Paper - Intro - Analysis Valeo GmbH, Ilmenau University of Technology
PointNet Stanfaord

Representation Learning

Title Authors Link
Representation Learning Goodfellow, Bengio, Courville - Deep Learning Book

Reinforcement Learning

Title Authors Link
Reinforcement Learning, Fast and Slow DeepMind

To be fixed list


Commented Disentangling by Factorising on Scirate


  • Updates in Reinforcement Learning


Added ~~Reinforcement Learning, Fast and Slow notes~~


Added Keras in depth tutorial - MNIST and CNN focused less on the how-to and more on the why and what happens under the hood


Added Summary and Notes - Work in Progress about Andrew Zisserman Talk about Self Supervised Learning - 2018


Added Summary and Notes - Work in Progress about Daniel Roy's talk at ICML 2019


Added a Paper Readthrough Issue related to Reinforcement Learning, Fast and Slow paper from DeepMind


Added a PR about Reservoir Computing started with some Basic Elements elements


Added PR related to a new Paper Summary regarding CNN Debugging with Heatmaps

Added a Paper Readthrough Issue related to Quantum reservoir processing : very interesting Quantum Machine Learning paradigm


Added a PR about Geometric Deep Learning starting with Gauge Equivariant CNN paper summary

Added a PR about Fake News starting with a Paper Summary


Added a PR about Statistics and the first summary regards Variational Bayesian Monte Carlo also published as Kaggle Kernel


Added a PR to add D2 Net Summary


Added a PR to define the CNN in Computer Vision - Section starting with a Paper Summary

Published on Medium

Sparse Topics

Deep Learning Theory

Reinforcement Learning


Work in Progress

Body of Knowledge

Papers Readthrough