Tagger icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Tagger copied to clipboard

Tagger aborts when file selected

Open ADBeveridge opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

I opened Tagger and it loaded 4 files. I selected, say B.mp3 (out of A.mp3, B.mp3, C.mp3, and D.mp3) and then went into Files and moved A.mp3 into the trash. Returning to Tagger, I selected the A.mp3 row, and the program faulted. Here is the error message from the cl:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error'
  what():  filesystem error: cannot get file size: No such file or directory [/home/ad/Music/Dog Barking.mp3]

ADBeveridge avatar Jun 20 '22 03:06 ADBeveridge

Well it failed since the file was deleted. Tagger doesn't watch the filesystem for changes as most file operations regarding a tag occur within the program. That is why the refresh button is provided, for users who willingly modify file locations outside the program, to rescan the directory for physical changes.

nlogozzo avatar Jun 20 '22 03:06 nlogozzo

I will be looking for a way to watch the filesystem for changes and update the music files list accordingly,

nlogozzo avatar Jun 20 '22 15:06 nlogozzo

I looked at a experimental file system watcher, that seems to be pretty good, or you could use inotify (type man inotify). If this is also being developed for Mac, you could add also a kqueue backend, in addition to the inotify or cpp17-filewatcher.

ADBeveridge avatar Jun 26 '22 17:06 ADBeveridge


nlogozzo avatar Aug 03 '22 21:08 nlogozzo

Or use gvfs (part of gtk)

ADBeveridge avatar Aug 04 '22 02:08 ADBeveridge

Oh, just saw commit ...never mind

ADBeveridge avatar Aug 04 '22 02:08 ADBeveridge

Yes, the next update for Tagger will see a rewrite in Qt to allow for cross-platform capabilities.

nlogozzo avatar Aug 04 '22 04:08 nlogozzo


nlogozzo avatar Aug 04 '22 04:08 nlogozzo

I see...I thought this was GTK+. Qt is on my next framework to learn :)

ADBeveridge avatar Aug 04 '22 18:08 ADBeveridge

Since this has been fixed, this can be closed right?

ADBeveridge avatar Aug 04 '22 18:08 ADBeveridge

It was Gtk. However it is in the process of being rewritten in Qt for the next update. Which is what you see in the screenshot above ^. The development can be seen in the dev branch.

nlogozzo avatar Aug 04 '22 18:08 nlogozzo

There is no need to close the issue yet. Once the dev branch is merged into the master branch, signifying the new release, the issue will close automatically since I have linked it to the commit.

nlogozzo avatar Aug 04 '22 18:08 nlogozzo


nlogozzo avatar Aug 05 '22 00:08 nlogozzo