Nickolas Shpotenko
Nickolas Shpotenko
Hi, somehow weak reference IsAlive false. Same story was for me at `IMvxMessenger` `Subscribe()`. Even if I store subscription like a filed in VM and VM still alive it not...
Did you try MvxReference.Strong ?
Can you please share your code ?
Did you bind somewhere DisplayChange in viewmodel with ChangeDisplay in View ?
Easily reproduce in every projects, you should wait a bit after you move the app to background and press a lunch icon. Add this code to splashActivity after on create...
Did you test on real device ?
When I would have a time I will try to repro this issue in Playground.Droid. There are two ways how could I achieve this. Android 9 Nokia 7 1. Click...
@nmilcoff I did another trick, but have a different issue. I created a custom `BroadcastReceiver` and generated a pending intent from GCMService. When I press on notification, my `BroadcastReceiver` intercepts...
I’m not using IMvxCurrentTopActivity in the BroadcastReceiver. `NavigationService.Navigate (data);` There is no top current activity when the app is in the background state. But I found the problem in my...