Color-manager copied to clipboard
Not all icons get converted
Some icons in icon pack stay unconverted (both monochrome and palette).
Replicate - try converting, it stays in its original colors.
Will try to reproduce later this week
I cannot open as an svg-file. Try opening the file yourself and paste its code here.
You can download it off this drive link (cleaner than pasting that much code for an SVG here)
@VKohli17 I really like this icon pack, what did you use?
Thank you
Are they the only icons that remain unconverted or are there others offscreen? Also have you tried recolouring a different icon theme?
Are they the only icons that remain unconverted or are there others offscreen? Also have you tried recolouring a different icon theme?
There are others offscreen. Have tried recoloring the "Candy Icons" theme too, same issue (even more unconverted icons for that one)
I have just looked at the latest version and the file permissions seem identical, the image sizes vary but there are no differences between the images that ware recoloured and those that weren't, have you tried again since with the latest version? Its very odd.
I have just looked at the latest version and the file permissions seem identical, the image sizes vary but there are no differences between the images that ware recoloured and those that weren't, have you tried again since with the latest version? Its very odd.
Yep, retried with the latest version. Same issue.
I think i probably found the cause of this issue. If you get a icon theme like this one, you will see the following:
Here are the svgs before being recolored:
.ColorScheme-Text { color:#dfdfdf; } .ColorScheme-Highlight { color:#4285f4; } .ColorScheme-NeutralText { color:#ff9800; } .ColorScheme-PositiveText { color:#4caf50; } .ColorScheme-NegativeText { color:#f44336; }
<linearGradient id="_Linear1" x2="1" gradientTransform="matrix(2.54933e-15,-41.6338,41.6338,2.54933e-15,445.153,52.7218)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<stop style="stop-color:rgb(16,117,246)" offset="0"/>
<stop style="stop-color:rgb(18,197,255)" offset="1"/>
<linearGradient id="_Linear2" x2="1" gradientTransform="matrix(-.0561414 21.4963 -21.4963 -.0561414 -447.096 21.039)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<stop style="stop-color:rgb(18,108,152)" offset="0"/>
<stop style="stop-color:rgb(11,79,148)" offset="1"/>
Here they are after being recolored:
<svg xmlns="" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xml:space="preserve">
<style id="current-color-scheme" type="text/css">
.ColorScheme-Text { color:#bfb4b1; } .ColorScheme-Highlight { color:#60524e; } .ColorScheme-NeutralText { color:#88736e; } .ColorScheme-PositiveText { color:#776561; } .ColorScheme-NegativeText { color:#473c39; }
<path style="fill:currentColor;" class="ColorScheme-Text" d="M13.172,9.718l-2.828,2.828l0.707,0.708l1.621,-1.622l-0,4.086l1,0l-0,-4.086l1.621,1.622l0.707,-0.708l-2.828,-2.828Zm-8.781,-8.168c0.424,0 0.626,0.22 0.942,0.638c0.317,0.419 0.461,0.684 1.041,0.706l8.683,0c0.523,0 0.943,0.421 0.943,0.943l-0,5.595l-0.889,0l0,-5.077c0,-0.317 -0.255,-0.572 -0.572,-0.572l-8.425,0c-0.362,0 -1.003,-0.436 -1.232,-0.665c-0.229,-0.228 -0.416,-0.679 -1.01,-0.679l-2.411,-0c-0.317,-0 -0.572,0.255 -0.572,0.572l-0,9.978c-0,0.317 0.255,0.572 0.572,0.572l8.627,0l0,0.889l-9.145,-0c-0.523,-0 -0.943,-0.42 -0.943,-0.943l0,-11.014c0,-0.523 0.42,-0.943 0.943,-0.943l3.448,0Z"/>
<svg style="clip-rule:evenodd;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2" viewBox="0 0 48 48" xmlns="">
<g transform="scale(.75)">
<path d="m61.122 15.88c0-2.762-2.239-5-5-5h-48.244c-2.761 0-5 2.238-5 5v32.246c0 2.761 2.239 5 5 5h48.244c2.761 0 5-2.239 5-5v-32.246z" style="fill:rgb(0,131,213)"/>
<g transform="scale(.75)">
<path d="m61.122 20.652c0-1.326-0.527-2.598-1.465-3.536-0.938-0.937-2.209-1.464-3.535-1.464h-25.58c-1.232 0-2.42-0.455-3.337-1.277-0.768-0.689-1.713-1.535-2.481-2.224-0.917-0.822-2.105-1.277-3.337-1.277h-13.509c-1.326 0-2.597 0.527-3.535 1.465-0.938 0.937-1.465 2.209-1.465 3.535v32.252c0 2.761 2.239 5 5 5h48.244c2.761 0 5-2.239 5-5v-27.474z" style="fill:url(#_Linear1)"/>
<g transform="scale(.75)">
<path d="m27.82 22.29 7.166 11.943h9.554l-7.964-11.943h-8.756zm-1.669 1.432-6.691 12.899 4.54 7.166 6.209-12.899-4.058-7.166zm4.058 12.899-3.583 7.166h14.331l3.583-7.166h-14.331z" style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:url(#_Linear2)"/>
<linearGradient id="_Linear1" x2="1" gradientTransform="matrix(2.54933e-15,-41.6338,41.6338,2.54933e-15,445.153,52.7218)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<stop style="stop-color:rgb(6,117,146)" offset="0"/>
<stop style="stop-color:rgb(18,197,2155)" offset="1"/>
<linearGradient id="_Linear2" x2="1" gradientTransform="matrix(-.0561414 21.4963 -21.4963 -.0561414 -447.096 21.039)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<stop style="stop-color:rgb(18,108,152)" offset="0"/>
<stop style="stop-color:rgb(11,79,148)" offset="1"/>
And, as you can see: the svg files that use rgb values are not properly recolored.
So the issue is Icon packs with gradients then?
So the issue is Icon packs with gradients then?
Not really. What i meant by my previous response is that using rgb values cause the icons to not get recolored.
So, if you for example use a rgb color like this on a svg
rgb(32, 32, 35)
That will make your icon not get recolored.
And so, the fix for that would be to just convert said color a hex value:
Which will now be recognized by the tool and recolorized on future invocations.
Ok, gotcha.