for FMB it is just adding in microblocks.cfg somthing like '# BOTANY "Botany:block.Ceramic":0-79 But Botany blocks are not registered by names. ExtraTree Blocks are registered, so it seems possible to...
testet with same world, SP -> solved No more change to Silver bee with light gray bee or lavae
Sorry, failure is unsolved at Multiplayer
Any plan to solve?
Not solved in grey bee change in silver if it is in inventar
Not solved tested in SP with
because that the fixatation was done in 1.12 with open code, it should be an easy run to take this into 1.7.10. by someone can programm MC mods
Any alternative solution for autofarming pigments?
In past (maybe also now) flower typ indicating specific ores in ground. Not realy different method to that. On stone surface like in montains small ores indicates vein types. Together...