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pomelo-admin connect game-admin 是指定的吗?
可以看下pomelo-admin源码, connect方法 ,在源码里可以看到 第一个参数id 赋值给了clientId。
var Client = function(opt) {
this.id = "";
this.reqId = 1;
this.callbacks = {};
this.listeners = {};
this.state = Client.ST_INITED;
this.socket = null;
opt = opt || {};
this.username = opt['username'] || "";
this.password = opt['password'] || "";
this.md5 = opt['md5'] || false;
Client.prototype = {
connect: function(id, host, port, cb) {
this.id = id;
var self = this;
console.log('try to connect ' + host + ':' + port);
this.socket = new MqttClient({
id: id
this.socket.connect(host, port);
连接到服务器之后,服务器会显示一条log,可以看到clientId 就是'game-admin'.
这个值是任意的字符串. connect 主要关键参数是username password host port, 只要保证这四个参数正确,就可以连接到 pomelo服务器。
pomelo-admin-web 的onlineUser模块 可以显示的玩家信息是怎么得到的
首先说一下这些信息存储在哪里 以及 什么时候存储的
- pomelo/lib/components/connection.js connection 组件负责维护登录的玩家连接信息
- pomelo/lib/common/service/connectionService.js 这里会存储一些登录玩家计数信息
var Service = function(app) {
this.serverId = app.getServerId();
this.connCount = 0;
this.loginedCount = 0;
this.logined = {};
* connection statistics service
* record connection, login count and list
var Service = function(app) {
this.serverId = app.getServerId();
this.connCount = 0;
this.loginedCount = 0;
this.logined = {};
module.exports = Service;
var pro = Service.prototype;
* Add logined user.
* @param uid {String} user id
* @param info {Object} record for logined user
pro.addLoginedUser = function(uid, info) {
if(!this.logined[uid]) {
info.uid = uid;
this.logined[uid] = info;
* Update user info.
* @param uid {String} user id 保存一些玩家信息 admin获取的onlineUser信息
* @param info {Object} info for update.
pro.updateUserInfo = function(uid, info) {
var user = this.logined[uid];
if (!user) {
for (var p in info) {
if (info.hasOwnProperty(p) && typeof info[p] !== 'function') {
user[p] = info[p];
* Get statistics info 获取玩家在线信息
* @return {Object} statistics info
pro.getStatisticsInfo = function() {
var list = [];
for(var uid in this.logined) {
return {serverId: this.serverId, totalConnCount: this.connCount, loginedCount: this.loginedCount, loginedList: list};
//登录的时候 将玩家信息存储到__connection__组件中
var connectionService = pomelo.app.components.__connection__;
poemlo start 后面有-D 是后台运行么?比方关闭shell 端口还在?
推荐你使用 pomelo help ,
$: pomelo start --help
$ pomelo start --help
Usage: start [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-e, --env <env> the used environment
-D, --daemon enable the daemon start
-d, --directory, <directory> the code directory
-t, --type <server-type>, start server type
-i, --id <server-id> start server id
具体的help 在 pomelo/bin/pomelo.js中 ; 我只能帮你到这了。。。
详情请看源码: pomelo/lib/service/connectionService.js
pomelo + wss + nginx
由于自己的服务器有gate , connector 两种front服务器,所有就选择这样配置。
app.configure('production|development', 'connector|gate', function() {
connector : pomelo.connectors.hybridconnector,
heartbeat : 3,
useDict : true,
useProtobuf : true,
ssl: {
type: 'wss',
key: fs.readFileSync('./keys/server.key'), //根据域名产生的证书文件
cert: fs.readFileSync('./keys/server.crt'),
nginx 配置wss
- nginx1.3+默认支持wss连接,基本上不需要特殊的配置
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name pomelo.game.com;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate ./game.com.crt;
ssl_certificate_key ./game.com.key;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_protocols SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
access_log ./logs/https.pomelo.game.com.access.log main;
location / {
index index.html index.htm;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root html;
url: 'wss://pomelo.game.com:3014'
dump memory
- install pomelo-cli2 -g
- install heapdump at /usr/lib/node_modules/pomelo-cli2/
- use gate-server-1
- dump memory /home/node/dump --force
dump memory 遇到的Error
- pomelo-admin need heapdump solution: npm install heapdump -s at /usr/lib/node_modules/pomelo-cli2/
- 需要gcc version 4.8+