Hendrik Leppkes

Results 78 comments of Hendrik Leppkes

The defaults are problematic because there is not one default font, but a class of default fonts. The default is "NumberFontNormalSmallGray", which can resolve to 4 different fonts based on...

LibActionButton-1.0 is not on GitHub, it has its Git repository on wowace. I've been meaning to also pull it onto github for a while..

Can you link to such a sample for testing?

Its been a bit slow going because I planned to get rid of the single-integer channel mask internally entirely, and swap to the new AVChannelLayout structure internally in LAV Audio...

You can already match against the name "ger@forced" would look for a german track that contains the string "forced" in its title. The @ should always be the last part,...

Its impossible for me to test bitstreaming with every possible hardware on this planet, since there is just way too many of them. E-AC3 bitstreaming was recently improved to actually...

Unfortunately the sample link expired. Its generally recommended to provide sample links that are available for a bit longer to allow working on such issues on a flexible time schedule....

Graph Building and decoder selection is controlled by the playback application, not the filters.