Bartender4 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Bartender4 copied to clipboard

CastSequence macro not updating icons with #showtooltip (WotLK Classic)

Open niserox opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments

As the title states, when making a macro with #showtooltip and /castsequence, the icon for the next ability that should be used is not showing up and will instead stay as the first ability in the chain. An example of my macro;

#showtooltip /castsequence reset=8 Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot

After using Aimed Shot, the icon for Arcane Shot will not show up, but the skill IS still useable. So I can cast Arcane Shot as I normally would've been able to, but I just can't see the #showtooltip or the CD or anything; it just stays on Aimed Shot.

This is "fixable" if you /reload after loading into the game, but its tedious.

Only Bartender is doing this as well. If I turn off Bartender and use regular Blizz frames, the issue is completely gone and there is no need to /reload.

niserox avatar Nov 06 '22 22:11 niserox

Just to be clear, if you reload once, then the sequence works fine permanently, automatically switching and everything?

Nevcairiel avatar Nov 07 '22 16:11 Nevcairiel

Correct, it is 100% reproduceable.

If I log out and log back in, the macro will "break" and only one icon will be shown. The moment I use /reload, the macro works fine as normal, switching as it should.

niserox avatar Nov 07 '22 16:11 niserox