dhcpcd-ui copied to clipboard
GTK+ / Qt / Curses interface to dhcpcd
dhcpcd-ui is the graphical interface to dhcpcd.
It has a helper library in C to try and minimize any toolkit specific parts.
There are GTK+-2 (works with GTK+-3) and Qt (works with Qt-4 and Qt-5) front ends. dhcpcd-curses is very much a work in progress and is only informative at this stage.
dhcpcd-online can report on network availability from dhcpcd (requires dhcpcd-6.4.4)
Build options
Switches to control building of various parts:
For each--with
there is a--without
and for each--enable
. If each part is not specified then the configure will test the system for the needed libraries to build and install it.
cariosvg is used to build the icons from the svg source. It's not a runtime dependency.
Notifications are dependant on the chosen platform. GTK+ will get them if libnotify is present. Qt will get them by default.