falcor copied to clipboard
Getting MaxRetryExceededError when using `$expires`
snippet to reproduce behavior
var falcor = require('..');
var datasource = falcor({
cache: {
todos: [
name: { $type: 'atom', value: 'name value', $expires: -3 },
done: false
name: 'withdraw money from ATM',
done: true
var model = falcor({ source: datasource });
// const chooseKeys = (k, v) => k.startsWith('$') ? undefined : v;
const logCache = () => {
model.get('todos[0].name').then(result => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
}, console.error);
{ MaxRetryExceededError: The allowed number of retries have been exceeded.
at getRequestCycle (/Users/abishnoi/code/falcor/lib/response/get/getRequestCycle.js:26:26)
at /Users/abishnoi/code/falcor/lib/response/get/getRequestCycle.js:93:21
at refCountCallback (/Users/abishnoi/code/falcor/lib/request/RequestQueueV2.js:117:17)
at /Users/abishnoi/code/falcor/lib/request/GetRequestV2.js:120:33
at Object.onCompleted (/Users/abishnoi/code/falcor/lib/request/flushGetRequest.js:86:13)
at ModelResponseObserver.onCompleted (/Users/abishnoi/code/falcor/lib/response/ModelResponseObserver.js:64:28)
at checkCacheAndReport (/Users/abishnoi/code/falcor/lib/response/get/checkCacheAndReport.js:94:22)
at GetResponse._subscribe (/Users/abishnoi/code/falcor/lib/response/get/GetResponse.js:61:19)
at GetResponse.subscribe (/Users/abishnoi/code/falcor/lib/response/ModelResponse.js:86:29)
at flushGetRequest (/Users/abishnoi/code/falcor/lib/request/flushGetRequest.js:81:9)
name: 'MaxRetryExceededError',
missingOptimizedPaths: [ [ 'todos', 0, 'name' ] ] }
Same issue when using $expires: 0
, other small negative numbers (> -10
), or positive numbers smaller than Date.now() + 10
I thought we had fixed expires:0 behavior with https://github.com/Netflix/falcor/pull/905 so would be worth getting our heads around how the above test case differs from the tests added for the above pull request (does this impact the 80% path or not), and would also be useful to determine whether or not the small value
(negative or positive) behavior is a regression, or has existed since before the above pull request was merged.