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Is there a notice function inside eureka while applications shutting down

Open WilliamChen-luckbob opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

I'm new in java, in recent days I'm trying to develop a graceful shut down script for my springboot applications, but this confused me a lot...

I have this little question while observing what will happen when I shut down one of my service application.

here is the structure of my testing applications:

  1. Eureka server service (E)
  2. one consumer serivce (A)
  3. two service provider service (B1 and B2) A calls B by feign client and returns which B is invoked(by using returning string 'service B at [it's port] is invoked').

I have found that no matter when I tried to shut down one of service B in a graceful way by spring boot acurator, there is a strange thing: I though this shut down instance will still be stay in eureka's instance list and also, in those applications' local cache because A and E may not have chance to reach the fetch or refresh time for new instance list after one of B was down.

So, in this case, I thought there might be a loadbalancer exception thown out because eureka client in A do not fetch a new instance list.

But what I observed was totally different from what I thought.

It seems to have a sneaky method to cancel the shutdown application's instance from eureka and notice all the applications which will call B for a downstream service immediately. All request will be send to B2 after a little time delay if I shut down B1 by sending /actuator/shutdown to B1.

Parent of the pom is:

        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

Here are my Eureka configuration: eureka server :

    eviction-interval-timer-in-ms: 30000
      defaultZone: http://${my-config.eureka.instance.hostname}:8000/eureka/
    register-with-eureka: false

client A and B:

    lease-renewal-interval-in-seconds: 30
    lease-expiration-duration-in-seconds: 90
      defaultZone: http://${my-config.eureka.instance.hostname}:8000/eureka/
    registry-fetch-interval-seconds: 30

Well, after plenty of jmeter test, it seems that something was doing a quick refresh of alive instance ignoring the eureka server. local cache will refresh automatically when B was shut down( even shut down by kill -9 , nothing wrong will happen if there are at least one B stiill alive.)

WilliamChen-luckbob avatar May 27 '21 05:05 WilliamChen-luckbob

Sorry it's not entirely clear to me what you're trying to achieve? What's the observed behavior vs the expected behavior in your test setup?

troshko111 avatar Jun 09 '21 17:06 troshko111