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Changed ThreadPoolExecutor setCorePoolSize implementation on Java 10+ #1874
Call setMaximumPoolSize before setCorePoolSize to avoid a IllegalArgumentException exception.
Looks like this solves #1874
I just observed that if you are doing other way round then it would fail. Eg. This solution would work for increasing Thread pool size but if want to decrease thread pool size then it fails.
I just observed that if you are doing other way round then it would fail. Eg. This solution would work for increasing Thread pool size but if want to decrease thread pool size then it fails.
Yeah, you are right. I have fixed it.
Do we have any update on this issue . We cant move out of Hystrix right away and we are on Java 11.
Now I also set maximumPoolSize as a corePoolSize setting if corePoolSize is greater to avoid the exception.
It looks like some problems with the project's licenses, but it is not related to my commit and I assume that it is fixed already in the latest version of the project.