accesscontroltool copied to clipboard
ACE installation skipped for part of mutable content
AEMaaCS - latest version AC Tool - v3.0.10
Problem description:
When I deploy new build to environment "startup_hook_image_build" is triggered and AC Tool installs ACLs from config.yaml (as expected) as shown in this example:
There are no errors during the installation of ACLs however most of mutable content is skipped during the installation.
Any path at or below /content/rafineria123 will be skipped(log example -
11:46:12.185: Skipped installing privileges/actions for non existing path: /content/rafineria123/feedback
/content/users and /content/usergenerated are updated correctly(log example - 11:46:12.200: Update result at path /content/users: O=1 N=0 D=0 A=2
Most of configurations in config.yaml are set to path /content/rafineria123 or below and i cannot find a reason why these paths are considered "non-existent" during startup_hook_image_build installation of ACLs.
When I run the install from console(/mnt/overlay/netcentric/actool/content/overview.html/actool) it works correctly and no paths are skipped. It also works correctly when triggered by "startup_hook"(without the "image_build" suffix).
I have not been able to find the root cause of this problem - my wild guess is one of these two:
- Content is not fully installed on publish pod and startup_hook_image_build is triggered too early,
- actool-service does not have the correct permissions to access /content/rafineria123 - but if this is true, then the console install should not work either.
Any chance you could tell me where to look for the cause of this problem?
actool-verbose.log below: actool-verbose.log
11:45:41.672: *** Applying AC Tool Configuration...
11:45:41.672: Running with v3.0.10 on instance id ###idOfMyInstance###
11:45:41.711: Using YAML parser with ConfigurationAdmin Plugin placeholder support
11:45:41.711: Using configuration file /apps/rafineria123/actool/config.publish/config.yaml
11:45:45.823: Loaded configuration file /apps/rafineria123/actool/config.publish/config.yaml in 4.1sec
11:45:45.889: Loaded configuration in 4.2sec
11:45:45.889: Starting installation of merged configurations...
11:45:47.931: Retrieved existing ACLs from repository in 2sec
11:45:47.931: *** Starting installation of 1581 authorizables from configuration...
11:45:47.949: Prefetched authorizables in 17ms
11:45:48.037: Prefetched 195 memberships in 87ms
#########<removed this part of logs>###########
11:46:11.952: Created 1530 authorizables (moved 0 authorizables)
11:46:11.952: Finished installation of authorizables without errors in 24sec
#########<removed this part of logs>###########
11:46:12.157: *** Starting installation of 1350 ACE configurations for 360 paths in content nodes using strategy AceBeanInstallerIncremental...
11:46:12.157: Found 360 paths in config
11:46:12.184: Update result at path /content: O=41 N=0 D=0 A=7
11:46:12.184: Skipped installing privileges/actions for non existing path: /content/rafineria123
11:46:12.185: Skipped installing privileges/actions for non existing path: /content/rafineria123/common
#########<removed this part of logs - only more of "Skipped installing">###########
11:46:12.197: Update result at path /content/usergenerated: O=5 N=0 D=0 A=1
11:46:12.200: Update result at path /content/users: O=1 N=0 D=0 A=2
11:46:12.208: Update result at path /home: O=9 N=0 D=0 A=4
11:46:12.208: ACL Update Statistics: Changed=4 Unchanged=0 Path not found=356 (action cache hit/miss=0/0)
11:46:12.208: *** Finished installation of 360 ACLs in 50ms
11:46:13.235: Persisted changes of ACLs
11:46:13.235: No virtual groups are configured - no need to ensure virtual groups are removed from repo.
11:46:13.235: No obsolete authorizables configured
11:46:13.235: Finished at bundle start level 20
11:46:13.235: Successfully applied AC Tool configuration in 31.6sec