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The published dataset of AIOps Challenge 2020


The published dataset of AIOps Challenge 2020

Stage One

  1. Tsinghua Cloud Download
  2. Google Drive Download

Last Updated on 2020-10-19. md5sum: fac7fe1b4e048c81ef88874334b73534

Stage Two

Not Available


AIOps Challenge


Unless otherwise agreed by the organizers and the contestant, the contestant shall ensure that it only uses the basic data for non-commercial purposes such as scientific research or classroom teaching, and take full responsibility for the use of conversion basic data, also ensure the organizer and its affiliated party are free from expenses or litigation caused by the any use of basic data.

Descripion of the Dataset

  • 故障整理(预赛).csv. Each line describes a failure with its time, fault type, fault locazation, etc.
  • AIOps挑战赛数据/2020_*_*.zip contains the data in the corresponding day. The three subfolders contains three different types of metrics.
    • 业务指标 means business metrics, 平台指标 means infrastrure metrics, and 调用链指标 means traces.
    • For traces, id means span ID, and pid means parent span ID. You can refer to for the definitation of traces and spans.