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Should be supported the Autonomous Ransomware Protection with FlexGroup origin volume.
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Supported and unsupported features for FlexCache volumes
It states that ARS is not supported if the origin is a FlexGroup volume. However, with ONTAP 9.13.1, the combination of ARS and FlexGroup is now OK. https://docs.netapp.com/ja-jp/ontap/flexgroup/supported-unsupported-config-concept.html Therefore, I believe that ARS and FlexGroup can be used together on FlexCache origin volumes, but could you please confirm the correct information?
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Thanks @kanitani. I'm working with the FlexCache TME to get this answered for you.
The FlexCache supported features table has been updated to include support for ARP on the FlexGroup origin volumes beginning with ONTAP 9.13.1.
I've been waiting a long time for your reply (exactly 4 months!) I expect a speedy response. If the response from engineering is slow, please keep pushing.
@kanitani , thank you for raising this issue. As @netapp-lenida noted above, the docs were updated in late June with this correction. Lenida was delayed in closing the issue until this week.
Aren't both she and the engineering team responding too slowly? Our business and the customer's business moves fast, and we need a response within a week for such a simple check.
If you don't get a response from the engineering within three days, please push it. If there's still no response after a week, please push again and again. And if you get a response, please respond it to the questioner (=me) right away.
It's okay to update the documentation later.