dso_with_saving_pcl copied to clipboard
How to display the pcd file?
I' m sorry, I have run the code,and generate pcd file, and use the following code get valid PCD file, the point cloud map is not as clear as displayed in the ProjectDSO.
int main (int argc, char** argv) { //read input file std::ifstream ifs;//ifstream ifs(argv[1]); ifs.open("cloudPoint_output.txt"); std::string temp; char bufftemp[255]; char* pcWorld_x; char* pcWorld_y; char* pcWorld_z; double pfWorld_x; double pfWorld_y; double pfWorld_z; char* pcDelimeter = " "; char* pcSave = NULL;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud;
// 创建点云 并设置适当的参数(width height is_dense)
cloud.width = 450145;
cloud.height = 1;
cloud.is_dense = false; //不是稠密型的
cloud.points.resize (cloud.width * cloud.height); //点云总数大小
int i = 0;
pcWorld_x = strtok(bufftemp,pcDelimeter);
pcWorld_y = strtok(NULL,pcDelimeter);
pcWorld_z = strtok(NULL,pcDelimeter);
pfWorld_x = atof(pcWorld_x);
pfWorld_y = atof(pcWorld_y);
pfWorld_z = atof(pcWorld_z);
/*pcWorld_x = strtok_r(bufftemp,pcDelimeter,&pcSave);
pcWorld_y = strtok_r(NULL,pcDelimeter,&pcSave);
pcWorld_z = strtok_r(NULL,pcDelimeter,&pcSave);
pfWorld_x = atof(pcWorld_x);
pfWorld_y = atof(pcWorld_y);
pfWorld_z = atof(pcWorld_z);*/
//for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud.points.size (); ++i)
std::cout <<"i=" << i<< " x=" << pfWorld_x <<" y="<< pfWorld_y << " z=" << pfWorld_z << std::endl;
cloud.points[i].x = pfWorld_x;
cloud.points[i].y = pfWorld_y;
cloud.points[i].z = pfWorld_z;
if(i == (cloud.points.size ()-1))
pcl::io::savePCDFileASCII ("test_pcd_2.pcd", cloud);
return 0;
@phenix1983 Hi, you can view point cloud which you saved by PCD file using simple point cloud viewer.
refer to this link : http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/cloud_viewer.php
@Neoplanetz Thanks for sharing your codes. I wonder besides the dso/src/IOWrapper/OutputWrapper/SampleOutputWrapper.h file, is there other file did you modify to make the pcl importation function work? Thank you.