lecter copied to clipboard
:boom: Show executable code by request
Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though. About yourself.
-- Hannibal Lecter / The Silence of the Lambs
Table of contents
- :rotating_light: Problems
- :rocket: Solutions
- :bangbang: Requirements
- :hammer_and_wrench: Installation
- :joystick: Usage
- :man_technologist: Examples
- :heart: Sponsors
- :desktop_computer: Contributing & Contributors
- :card_file_box: License
:rotating_light: Problems
- Developers don't know how their app works.
- Reading code is a long process.
- Memorizing many lines of code is difficult.
:rocket: Solutions
The main purpose of this gem is to help developers understand which code is executed by a request.
Gem's purpose could be compared to visiting a doctor: You give the symptoms of your disease and receive a diagnosis.
You give the parameters of a request and receive executable code. -
You don't have to work with debuggers, read and remember many lines of code.
Just give & receive!
:bangbang: Requirements
Please use a multithreading server such as a puma server with more than 1
For more information about how to tune a puma server, please visit this link.
:hammer_and_wrench: Installation
Installing is a very simple process.
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'lecter'
Execute in a terminal in your app's directory:
bundle install
Add routes to your
:mount Lecter::Engine => '/lecter' if Rails.env.development?
:joystick: Usage
Follow two simple steps:
Go to
Fill in the form fields with request parameters:
HTTP method
- request's method
- use absolute route likelocalhost:3000/blogs
- request's headersBody(raw)
- request's parameters
:man_technologist: Examples
Here is an example with a POST request:
Go to
Fill in the form with:
HTTP method
-"post"=>{"title"=>"New title", "description"=>"Desciption"}
Submit the form
Review the result
:heart: Sponsors
:desktop_computer: Contributing & Contributors
- Bug reports and pull requests are welcome.
- There are many issues as a proposal to improve this library. If you have any ideas, please feel free to write your thoughts in a new issue.
- Choose what you like to fix or improve on the issues list. You can ask any questions in the comments.
- :bangbang: Mention of each contributor will be on the README file.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people:
Aleksey Glukhov 💻 📖 |
Alisha Taylor 📖 |
Vitaliy Emeliyantsev 📖 |
Oskar Janusz 💻 |
:card_file_box: License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.