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This is a micro-framework for Flutter which is designed to help simplify developing apps. It provides a simple boilerplate to help you build apps easier.

Flutter BoilerPlate

Quality Gate Status Open Source Love

Table Of Content

  • Overview
  • Getting Started
    • Requirements
    • Setup
    • App Secrets
  • Change Package Name
  • Architecture
  • Running/Debugger
    • Flavors
  • Features
  • Library / Dependency
  • Modules
    • List Default Modules
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment
    • CI
    • CD
    • Android CD setup
    • IOS CD setup


Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single codebase.

This is a micro-framework for Flutter which is designed to help simplify developing apps. Every project provides a simple boilerplate to help you build apps easier.

This project is open source, we welcome any contributions.

Getting Started


Here are some things you need to prepare before this Boilerplate setup:

  1. Flutter SDK Stable (Latest Version) Install
  2. Android Studio Install
  3. Visual Studio Code (Optional) Install
  4. Dart and Flutter extensions:


To set up your project based on this boilerplate, you need to do some of the steps you need to do.

Here are the steps for setting up a Project with this Flutter-Works boilerplate:

Step 1:

In this step you need to download(cloning) the files from this repository to your local computer:

git clone https://github.com/NeoSOFT-Technologies/mobile-flutter.git


git clone [email protected]/NeoSOFT-Technologies/mobile-flutter.git

Step 2:

The next step is to open the folder that has been downloaded / cloned into a cli application such as bash, cmd, terminal .

After cloning the repo and follow these steps to setup the project.

Each layer of the architecture is a separate flutter package. The template uses melos to manage all package and performing actions like linting and running tests accross all packages. You can setup melos from here.

Melos can be installed as a global package,

dart pub global activate melos

App Secrets

Sensitive information like api keys, credentials, etc should not be checked into git repos, especially public ones. To keep such data safe the template uses app_secrets.dart file. If you want to run the app locally, you will need to create a new file app_secrets.dart under lib/secrets. To help with setting up the secrets file, the template inclued a skeleton secrets file.

Get Dependencies

melos run get

Run Code Generation

melos run generate

Setup Hooks

bash app/scripts/setup-hooks.sh

Read the scripts documentation to learn about all the scripts used in the project.

Change Package Name

By default package names:


To change the package name, simply search for all com.app.flutter_template, then replace it with the new package name, for example: com.mycompany..


The architecture of the template facilitates separation of concerns and avoids tight coupling between it's various layers. The goal is to have the ability to make changes to individual layers without affecting the entire app. This architecture is an adaptation of concepts from Hexagonal & The Clean Architecture .


The architecture is separated into the following layers

The architecture is separated into the following layers

  • app: All UI and state management elements like widgets, pages and view models.
  • core: Core business implementation
    • domain: Use cases for individual pieces of work.
    • data: Repositories to manage various data sources.
    • shared: Common items for core module shared between domain & data.
  • infrastructure: Services provide access to external elements such as databases, apis, etc.
    • database-floor: Floor as the Database provider
    • network-retrofit: Retrofit as the Database provider

Each layer has a di directory to manage Dependency Injection for that layer.

Read the dependency management documentation to learn about all the scripts used in the project.


The template comes with built-in support for 3 flavors. Each flavor uses a different main.dart file.

  • Dev - main_dev.dart
  • QA - main_qa.dart
  • Prod - main_prod.dart

You can setup any environment specific values in the respective main.dart files.

To run a specific flavor you need to specify the flavor and target file.

 flutter run --flavor qa -t lib/entrypoints/main_qa.dart

To avoid specifying all the flags every time, use the run.sh script

Read the scripts documentation to learn about all the scripts used in the project.


The layers core and services provider within infrastructure each have an model directory.

  • app layer: We consume the same models used from core/domain as domain wont change in the case of frontend apps.
  • core/shared/lib/src/model: Model classes for performing business logic manipulations. They act as an abstraction to hide the local and remote data models.
  • infrastructure/servicename/model: Respective service provider contains local models (data classes for the database) and remote models (data classes for the api).

Hide Generated Files (Optional)

In-order to hide generated files, navigate to Android Studio -> Preferences -> Editor -> File Types and paste the below lines under ignore files and folders section:


In Visual Studio Code, navigate to Preferences -> Settings and search for Files:Exclude. Add the following patterns:

** /*.inject.summary
* /*.g.dart


  • Hexagonal Clean Architecture
  • Adhering to SOLID Principles
  • Repository Pattern for code separations
  • Dependency Injection
  • Network Layer
  • Data Layer
  • Better Logging
  • Automatic Error Handling
  • Built-in support for 3 flavors - dev, qa and prod.
  • Unit & Integration Tests
  • CI for build release
  • Use SonarQube Analysis & generate reports
  • Crashlytics/Analytics
  • Theme Manager
  • Localisation
  • Routing/Navigations
  • Responsive Framework
  • Pre-commit Checks

Libraries & Tools Used


List of Default Modules

By default when you use this boilerplate, there are several modules that are installed automatically, here is a list of available modules:

Name Description
app A module containing boilerplate app view implementation
core A module containing core business implementation of the product which includes data,domain & shared modules
dependency-injection A module that contains classes to achieve DI across multiple modules based on injectable & getIt
infrastructure A module that includes all external data providers/adapters which are outbound adapters to core module/ports. Further includes database-floor& network-retrofitas external ports.
localisation A module containing translation data
statemanagement-bloc A module which contains bloc used as a state management tool. To be used with statemanagement-core
statemanagement-core A module which includes base classes required to support state management in flutter.
statemanagement-riverpod A module which contains riverpod used as a state management tool. To be used with statemanagement-core
themes A library that contains theme manager implementation

Continuous Integration and Deployment

The Flutter template comes with built-in support for CI/CD using Github Actions.


The CI workflow performs the following checks on every pull request:

  • Lints the code with flutter analyze.
  • Runs tests using flutter test.
  • Build the android app.
  • Build the ios app.


The CD workflow performs the following actions:

  • Bump the build number by 1.
  • Build a signed release apk.
  • ~~Upload apk to the app center.~~
  • Upload apk as artifact to release tag.
  • ~~Build a signed iOS app.~~
  • ~~Upload ipa to testflight.~~
  • Upload the ipa as an artifact to release the tag.
  • Commit the updated version to git.

Android CD setup

For the android CD workflow to run, we need to perform the following setup steps:

  • Follow these instructions to generate an upload keystore . Note down the store password, key alias and key password. You will need these in later steps.
  • Use openssl to convert the jks file to Base64.
openssl base64 < app_key.jks | tr -d '\n' | tee app_key_encoded.txt
  • Store the base64 output on Github Secrets with the key name KEYSTORE.
  • Save the store password in github secrets with the key name RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD.
  • Save the key alias in github secrets with the key name RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS.
  • Save the key password in github secrets with the key name RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD.
  • Create a distribution on app center and get the upload key. You can get it from appcenter.ms/settings.
  • Save the app center upload key on github secrets with key name APP_CENTER_TOKEN.

IOS CD Setup

For the IOS job in the cd.yml to run, you first need to have a valid Apple Developer Account.If you don't have it yet, please create one before proceeding further

We will divide the guide into steps so that it is easier to understand

Step 1: Setup on the AppStore

  • Register your Bundle ID. You can view the official Flutter guide here

CAUTION: Apple doesn't allow underscore in the bundle identifier. Read about valid identifiers here

  • Create an application on the AppStore Connect Portal. Check out the official guide here

Step 2: Getting a Distribution Certificate and Provisioning Profile

  • Create a Distribution Certificate for your machine locally once. You can refer to this guide. Download the .p12 file for use later. Remember the password used to create this certificate as we will need this later
  • Create a Provisioning Profile for your Bundle ID you registered above. You can refer to this guide. Download the profile for use later.

Step 3: Getting the options.plist

  • In the following template

    • Replace BUNDLE ID with your Bundle Identifier (You got that already from Step 1)
    • Replace PROVISIONING PROFILE NAME with your Provisioning Profile Name (You already created one in Step 2, use that)
    • Replace TEAM_ID with your team id. Look at this answer on "How to find your Team ID"
Click to View Template
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
        <false />
        <true />
            <string>PROVISION PROFILE NAME</string>
        <string>Apple Distribution</string>
        <true />
        <false />
        <true />

Create a new file called options.plist and save the above contents in that file

Step 4: Making an app specific password

  • Read the official guide to create an app specific password and remember it(;P)
  • The pipeline uses this password to upload an ipa to testflight

Step 5: Bringing it all together

  • Add the following keys to

Github Secrets

  • BUILD_CERTIFICATE_BASE64 : The base64 of the p12 file we generated(Step 2)

  • P12_PASSWORD: The password of the p12 certificate generated above in Step 2

  • BUILD_PROVISION_PROFILE_BASE64: The provisioning profile in base64(Step 2)

  • KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD : The password used to store the keychain in the local keystore of the Github Runner(Any random value)

  • IOS_PLIST: The options.plist file needed to make an ipa out of the xcarchive generated by flutter(Step 3)

  • APPSTORE_PASSWORD: The password passed to altool to upload the ipa to the store(Step 4)

  • To generate a base64 string, use the following command, replacing FILENAME with your filename

openssl base64 < FILENAME | tr -d '\n' | tee ENCODED_FILENAME.txt

Pushing to protected branches

  • If the branches that you will be running CD on are protected, you will need to use a Personal Access Token (PAT) to commit the version changes.
  • After creating the PAT, exclude the account that the token belongs to from the branch protection rules .
  • Save the token in github secrets and update the key name in the cd.yml file under each checkout action.
  • Since our CD workflow is triggered on a push, and we create a new commit in the workflow itself, the commit message created by the CD workflow includes [skip ci] tag so that the workflow does not end up in an infinite loop.Read more about this here

If you do not plan to use the CD workflow on protected branches, you can remove the token part from the checkout actions.

Upcoming Improvements

Checklist of all upcoming enhancements .

Contributing to this Project

Contributions are welcome from anyone and everyone. We encourage you to review the Guiding principles for contributing