Nekro Darkmoon
Nekro Darkmoon
Add compendium source data to items that exist in the world. We can use this in the future to allow users to refresh items they have on actors with a...
V12 includes some breaking change to chat cards. While the old cards get automatically migrated, we need to update the relevant code to ensure compatibility with the new data structure.
V12 removes effects from tokens. Our current implementation of the condition interface might be using that. Meaning to double check and make sure that it isn't broken in v12.
V12 adds core support for measuring diagonal movements. This means we can get rid of our system specific implementation in favor of core implementation.
V12 includes new buttons on the token hud to bring tokens back and forth on the canvas. We need to update our token hud to match that. Furthermore because of...
Roll concentration automation into the system itself for better support. This would replace the module and make sure the functionality stays up to date. - [ ] Add concentration support...
Allow for the selection of different fancy compendia to import documents onto an actor sheet ### Original Issue Over the years I've accumulated huge custom item/spells etc compendia with SRD...
When an effect is applied to an actor allow a roll expression to be evaluated once and replace the change value. This roll expression should also support `getRollData()` values. ```...